The art of selfie-ing is a truly delicate one. 🙂 It takes a lot to get the right balance of face and background in the photos but once mastered can cement your position as the envy of all ‘your Facebook friends’.
“Your Facebook friends’ however are very different from ‘Your friends on Facebook’ and unfortunately, the latter group are not quite as easily impressed and may call you on any douchebag-ery shown in your selfies. Been using #JourneyOfDiscovery in your photos?
You can definitely count on that lot to take the mickey out of you upon your return from your said ‘journey of discovery’ (i.e. your holiday – a #Holiday would have been much better, no?)
In any case, I have a few rules I use for my own selfies but this post is not about me! Oh no!
This is about you! I want to find out what your “One Golden Rule” for taking selfies is and a photo of your “Best. Selfie. Ever.” Awww, heck, you can even hashtag it #BestSelfieEver!!!
You can upload your Best Selfie Ever using the Disqus comments tab below (or if that’s too niggly, put it on our Facebook, share it on Twitter or even on our Tumblr via the submit page, Instagram and Pinterest – whichever platform you prefer!)
I’ll get the ball rolling and put my answer below:1.) My golden rule is to make sure you capture the background as a first priority, then and only then can you stick your face in the corner of the photo!
2.) I’ve been a bit greedy/undecided so I’ve uploaded 3 #BestSelfieEver – I forgot to mention you can upload as many as you like! 😉 🙂

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