Heads up – this is one of those random blog posts! 🙂 Permit me to introduce you to two of my new found obsessions – iPhone Timelapse videos (which I now realised I can upload onto Vine) and hence started doing so properly a little under two weeks ago – starting with this one with … Continue Reading

Barcelona is easily one of my favourite cities to visit, not just in Europe, but right across the world! There’s just so much to see and do here, not to mention the amazing food here too! (Seriously, if you’re really into food – Barcelona is one city that just keeps on giving). The vibe in Barcelona … Continue Reading

Let’s face it – most people don’t really think “I need a beach holiday“… quickly followed by “Ah yes, England is where we’ll go!” but the sunnier climes of Cornwall are definitely the exception to that rule! This is no surprise to us (and indeed to most Brits) but can be surprising to visitors who … Continue Reading

…you know, just in case you needed even more reasons too! Our first visit to Vietnam was one that had us longing to return and from speaking to everyone else who’s ever been, this is one country that’s worth taking that extra bit of time to slowly travel through and explore properly. Thing is, nice … Continue Reading

Cologne is so synonymous with amazing Christmas markets (which makes winter a great time to visit) but there’s so much more to this city than it’s festive markets. We were due to fly in but thanks to last minute changes with the flights, we ended up taking the train instead. I actually recommend taking the … Continue Reading

This is exciting news! Remember our last trip to Amsterdam? You know the one with that house boat? In that post, we spoke briefly about an exciting project that we were working on with Airbnb… Well, it’s finally here! Presenting – our campaign with Airbnb.

As you could probably tell from Instagram, we went skiing a couple of weeks ago in the Alps and boy was it fun! It was our second time skiing and so, I felt so much pressure to practise what I’d learnt the first time – turned out to be not quite as scary as I’d … Continue Reading

First off, let me start by apologising for how many times I saw “absolutely” in this! 😀 😀 😀 I never even realised it till I was watching this back and thinking “I really need to diversify my vocabulary…” *face palm* That aside though, the Dorodgne Valley in France is absolutely worth all the praised, admiration … Continue Reading

Tokyo is one incredible metropolis that’s got everything from historic temples, beautiful shrines, delicious food and whole mountains of all things kawaii! It’s one of those cities that you’re almost guaranteed to fall in love with. It’s not until you’ve been to Tokyo that you can comprehend how vast the city is. It’s huge! I’m used … Continue Reading

We recently partnered with P&O Ferries on a day trip to France (which turned out to be the perfect excuse to go Christmas shopping – not just for gifts but for really cheap champagne and cheeses). It was easily one of the most convenient trips we’ve taken to France. We arrived at the Ferry terminal … Continue Reading

Our very first video on our new You Tube channel has just been released! Woohoo!!! *falls off chair in excitement* We’re so excited about this new addition to Hand Luggage Only and we promise to start to upload more and more videos and make this a regular thing! For now – here’s our video debut!!! … Continue Reading

I’ve done so many blog posts on this but I’ve finally gotten round to editing the video from our trip! 🙂 When we were in Italy I ended up going way overboard with the videos and photos I was taking and it was only when I got home and had to sift through hours of … Continue Reading

There are so many experiences to have across the world. So, we’ve created a little list of some of our favourites that might help you choose your next adventure.  Oh, and as always, pop us a message if you ever need any tips.  1.) Go skiing in the French Alps Top Tip: Make time to … Continue Reading

Remember that amazing ski lodge I was talking about in this post here? Well swiftly following on from that post, we’ve got the video from our time there to show you fully everything about it – what it looks like, what the food was like, the skiing conditions – everything! We’ll have the rest of … Continue Reading