A photo diary from our New Year’s Eve celebrations plus a sneak peak into my new flat! Been meaning to put these up a few days ago but didn’t quite get round to it till now. Better late than never I say! I also promise to do a more detailed post on the new flat! … Continue Reading

On a fairly random evening, my friends and I decided (now that I think about it) rather spontaneously to book a trip to Ibiza. In fact, I think we booked the trip first and then started to rationalise why we wanted to go away after. “Oh it’s so and so’s birthday so we could use … Continue Reading

It’s been a while since I’ve done a photo diary post. Granted – almost all blog posts with photos in it are a photo diary post of some sort but I haven’t done one like that solely focused on the photos. I love to talk (sometimes too much) so even though I should, there’s no … Continue Reading

These are the photos from our trip to Cinque Terre in Italy! Each of these 5 UNESCO World Heritage sites is so unique and so beautiful that I genuinely struggled to cram all the photos taken into one blog post (even for a photo heavy blog post, it would have been way too many photos) … Continue Reading

When it comes to travel photography, my default mode is to pack in as many colours as possible in a photo. This is especially true in a city like New Orleans.  I’m a huge fan of vividly colourful photos and colours in general but there are times when even the most colour photos just can … Continue Reading

A trip to Antigua would be incomplete without a little visit to St John’s – the capital of the island. I visited outside of the main hours most visitors on the island tend to visit – unintentionally I might add, I just happened to have rented a car and subsequently decided to make the most … Continue Reading

Permit me to skip about half a day of our Nordics4 48 hour challenge to walk you through the brilliant Finnish city of Helsinki. Needless to say, I will go back and let you know what we got up to in the night after our evening of ‘treasure hunting’ in Helsinki but I just got too … Continue Reading

A quick journey through Hong Kong via a collection of photos I took. Needless to say, more detailed blog posts with tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your time and money when visiting will be coming up soon but for now, take a little journey through Hong Kong… Buddhist Monk … Continue Reading

I just found these random photos on our road trip across America that I just had to share them with you! These are essentially photos taken on the road and not particularly in anywhere specific; at least nowhere any of us can really remember (we were probably in-between states at some points here). Somehow, these … Continue Reading

Ever since our trip to Slovakia in winter, I’ve somehow managed to constantly stumble upon so many photos of Slovenia online (thank you Pinterest) and a couple of weeks ago, whole discussing my need to visit Slovenia very soon, we received a rather delightful invite to come on a wine tour of the country. First … Continue Reading

Now that’s a mouthful of title if ever there was one! Tomorrow, the 1st of July, is Canada Day (well it’s probably already ‘today” in some countries) and it’s not just your average Canada Day – it’s the 150th anniversary of Canada existing as a Confederation (which from what I recall is essentially when all … Continue Reading

These are the photos from our trip to Cinque Terre in Italy! Each of these 5 UNESCO World Heritage sites is so unique and so beautiful that I genuinely struggled to cram all the photos taken into one blog post (even for a photo heavy blog post, it would have been way too many photos) … Continue Reading

Hey!!! So we’ve arrived in Luxembourg! (Can I hear a “Whoop! Whoop!!!“?) As you may have seen on our Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, we are already out and about exploring Luxembourg City, in the country of… you guessed it – Luxembourg! 🙂 Luxembourg lies between Belgium, France and Germany and, a little interesting fact I found out today, it … Continue Reading

We’re currently in the Faroe Islands and to say this trip has been a long time coming, is something of an understatement! We’d been planning and looking forward to this trip for a while. Needless to say, our expectations were quite high as soon as we arrived. We’ve been constantly Snapchatting (@ Hand Luggage Only) … Continue Reading