Now that’s a mouthful of title if ever there was one!
Tomorrow, the 1st of July, is Canada Day (well it’s probably already ‘today” in some countries) and it’s not just your average Canada Day – it’s the 150th anniversary of Canada existing as a Confederation (which from what I recall is essentially when all the different provinces in Canada coming together to form Canada as the country we know it today).

We recently visited Vancouver in Canada (one of my absolute favourite cities – and a place I could very happily move to live in). We stayed at the amazing Shangri La Hotel, downtown and had a brilliant week exploring Canada!

I very quickly remembered why I want to move to Vancouver (even if just for a couple of months) as I fell in love with the city all over again.
We got to see and do so much more on this trip and I will have the full and complete blog posts will all the details up very soon!
For now, here some photos from our time in Vancouver and the wider British Columbia area.

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