… is one that you can count on! One that stays with you through thick and thin, through active adventures and lazy days out. Okay, these might sound a bit O.T.T. but I have effectively been travelling for years with these shoes now so I do believe they deserve the hype they get. 🙂 These … Continue Reading

Whether you actively set out to see wildlife (as you might in a safari or a trip to the zoo) or you happen to come across them totally randomly as you explore your current travel destination, it’s safe to say that taking photos of animals in their natural (or simulated) habitat can prove rather tricky. … Continue Reading

Because half of the fun is about getting the stuff you want, not the stuff that you need! 1.) The iKettle: You can control this kettle using your phone! No more standing around in the kitchen waiting around like a  for your first drops of caffeine. You can just pop the kettle on as soon … Continue Reading

Following on from my post on “10 Reasons You Don’t Need To Quit Your Job To Travel The World!” I figured I should detail practical tips and tricks to help you hold your job and travel the world. A fundamental principle to a happy lifestyle is balance and so it’s important that you find the … Continue Reading

I consider myself to be something of an inconsistent snorer. On the whole, I don’t regularly snore however I’ve found that over the last few years (and for some reason, particular exacerbated since I moved to London) that I have moments where I become that guy that snores and either amuses or frustrates everyone else … Continue Reading

One of the best ways of truly living your dream and going after the kind of life you want, is to learn skills you need to take you there. Sounds cheesy but it’s just one of those really obvious things in life. Beyonce isn’t ‘Beyonce’ just because she was ‘naturally gifted at singing’, Beyonce is … Continue Reading

In the last month alone, I’ve been to Vietnam, Australia, Singapore, U.A.E., Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Macau. I know this sounds like something of a #HumbleBrag but what it highlights are a diverse set of countries with different cultures, customs and indeed different laws yet within all of these and I guess because of … Continue Reading

Night time photos can be some of the best photos you can take yet conversely one of the hardest photos to take! They either turn out fantastic or in really awful quality and there’s usually very little in between. Even the slightest movement when taking the photos can make such a difference to the photo … Continue Reading

This is one of those posts that kinda doesn’t fit anywhere but we won’t let that stop us now will we? 😉 Yeah, I know it’s not travel related per se and neither is it home or food related (though I wish it was food related – I’m starving right now) but I keep making … Continue Reading

I’m a huge fan of travel and I’m pretty certain you are too. Before I go on however, I would like to point out that this post is in no way trying to have a dig at those amazing people who have quit their jobs to travel the world. To leave a job and travel … Continue Reading

Travel has, in many ways, become laden with all sorts of expectations on what we must do, eat, or experience, that it can sometimes make us forget what we can actually take, on a more personal and less ‘physical’ level, from our travels. Travel is, at its very essence, a tool – nothing more… nothing less. Broken … Continue Reading

There’s so much of travel that gets done without thinking far too much of the impact we’re having. We’ve all been guilty of it at some point or the other but as they say “When you know better, you do better…” (or something like that). One of the biggest things in travel recently is the … Continue Reading

Regardless of whatever journey you are planning on taking and almost irrespective of destination, these 7 items are a definite must have. They go together and weight very little and so even the lightest of travellers will find these items easy to pack. I’m just gonna jump right into this post: (N.B.: Look under each … Continue Reading

Travelling can be great fun. It’s a great chance to explore the world, relax with your family and friends, celebrate a loved one’s wedding/birthday/anniversary/whatever-else-you-like-to-celebrate or do whatever you like. There are no right or wrong reasons to travel, they just have to be right for you! While this is the case, it is also very … Continue Reading