Regardless of whatever journey you are planning on taking and almost irrespective of destination, these 7 items are a definite must have. They go together and weight very little and so even the lightest of travellers will find these items easy to pack. I’m just gonna jump right into this post:
(N.B.: Look under each photo for a list of recommended options. Click any one for more information)
1.) Gorilla Pod – This is easily one of the lightest and most versatile of ‘tripods’ on the market. I got one for Christmas a few years back and it has been invaluable. Its particular fantastic for taking night time photos… or the odd holiday selfie! 🙂 They’re not overly expensive either and are definitely worth having with you – they also come in different sizes for different camera types. Last week, I saw one randomly on instagram that had magnetic feet! How great is that? If you’re someone who likes to explore places in the evenings or at nights (and likes taking good photos) you’ll notice the difference it makes in your photo quality to have a solid base.
2.) Camera – This is a fairly obvious one. 🙂 I can’t remember who said this (coulda been a friend or a documentary I saw on TV) but it turns out, photos albums e.g. your Facebook albums are partly for your friends list but mostly for you! You get to relive your holiday memories over and over with some great photos. 🙂
3.) Charger Adapters – while we’re on this one, don’t forget the chargers as well! If possible, try to get a multi-region charger. You know – the type you can use the exact same one in the UK, Europe and America…etc with all different pin settings. It saves having to pack a different one for different locations and possible packing the wrong one on your holidays – a mistake I have made in the past! Luckily, when I did, I got myself a multifunctional one and now I just take that everywhere with me.
4.) Disinfectant Hand Gel or Wet Wipes. Personally, I would opt for the wet wipes as it feels a bit more thorough to ‘wipe your hands clean’ but either will do great. They’re usually quite small and easy to carry and will save you in tricky situations where you have no access to a sink, water and soap! Half the fun of travelling is the adventure of not knowing what to expect but this limits your risk of picking something up. (Also those wet wipes come in real handy when you visit somewhere hot and humid and just need to cool down!)
5.) Medication – this is more important for medication that is very specific and niche to you though it doesn’t hurt to pack a few paracetamols, antihistamines and antibiotics. Antihistamines are my must haves! I love the sunshine that summer brings but along with it comes pollen (and bees – oh those terrifying bees!). 🙂 My hayfever flares up every summer and makes it unbearable so when I go somewhere hot, I make sure I have them handy with me.
6.) Mini Umbrella – I don’t mind getting a bit wet but when it’s freezing on a cold night in Paris and raining, you’ll be grateful you have something to keep you dry! You travelled to have fun and see sights not to catch pneumonia after all. 🙂
7.) Backpack (or a bag of some sort). This is the main item not to forget and this helps ensure you can pack everything you need on the go quite easily. There are so many stylish and functional backpacks these days – if you’re uber-fashion conscious – even places like Chanel and Prada are getting in on the backpack game. 🙂 Preferably, get one that has lots of compartments so you can keep things seperate. Personally, I have a camera bag which has space for camera, several lenses, cleaning kits and so much more – it makes it so easy to just focus on having a great time and not worry about tiny little details on your holiday!
And there you have it! 🙂 My 7 essential items to pack when travelling. Is there anything you would personally add to this list? Do let me know if there is. 🙂
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