Following on from my post on “10 Reasons You Don’t Need To Quit Your Job To Travel The World!” I figured I should detail practical tips and tricks to help you hold your job and travel the world. A fundamental principle to a happy lifestyle is balance and so it’s important that you find the … Continue Reading

Sometimes, it’s so easy to get distracted by everything that’s going on around you that you lose sight of who you truly are. It brings to mind a thing statisticians call separating “the signal” from “the noise“. “The signal” is that thing that you truly are – a truth that no one can shake, that … Continue Reading

Moving to a different country can be one of the most exciting yet most daunting things a person can do! I have been fortunate enough to have lived, both in different countries and in vastly different cities in these different countries (I’ve lived in Africa, Europe and Asia) and can definitely say that over time, … Continue Reading

Woohoo!!! Hand Luggage Only is 2 years old. Okay, fine – it was 2 years old like almost a month ago but we’ve been o the road for the past few week and that, coupled with my love of procrastination, is why I’ve not gotten round to writing this post until now. 🙂 Now I know everyone says this but … Continue Reading

1.) PLAN! PLAN!! PLAN!!!: Decide on where you want to go in advance, things you’d like to do, sights you’d like to see – pretty much everything possible! It takes the pressure off the actual holiday and you can actually spend the time enjoying the holiday rather than trying to put together a plan of … Continue Reading

Blogging is such a great outlet for your thoughts, passion or even for your work and so whenever anyone asks me if they should start a blog, my default answer is always a YES! I know people start blogs for different reasons but I think the best reason to start blogging is fundamentally to share … Continue Reading

Everyone who knew who Maya Angelou was, is (and probably will be for a long time) in awe of her. This is nothing new. She went through so much and yet she came out of the other side, stronger, wiser and a beacon of light and hope for several generations. Growing up, I had always … Continue Reading

Travelling is a unique, no matter how many of us go the similar places or have similar experiences, our time and experience of travelling is always different…. It’s a personal experience that we are able to shape, mould and continue to grow from. One of the biggest things that I think travelling has allowed me … Continue Reading

Travelling is always a unique personal experience – you see the world through your own eyes (literally and figuratively). You taste, smell and feel everything wherever you travel in manner that has everything to do with you little with someone else. Despite this, there are constantly “travel rules” being banded around that people expect you … Continue Reading

If I knew a way to change the topic of this post to “Ways To DEFINITELY Get You To Travel The World For FREE” I would but for now, we will have to do with ways to help you save money when travelling and implicitly, by saving you money – help you see more of … Continue Reading

We’ve been trying our best to keep calm about this but we can’t anymore – we’ve written a book and wanna shout about it from the top of the hills! One of our favourite parts about travelling is taking getting to indulge in our passion – photography,  so much so that there’s some healthy rivalry … Continue Reading

I’ve had a few questions over the past few months about what camera I use to take my photos, what accessories I have and what else I pack with me, photography-wise, when travelling. I planned on answering these questions all in one go on a post but yesterday, I figure I might as well put … Continue Reading

1.) Money can’t buy happiness… but it can’t buy unhappiness either. What you do with the money you have is down to you. 2.) Be less modest! People need to be told how amazing you are. After all, how else will they know that there’s steak for dinner if you don’t let hear it sizzle! … Continue Reading

Let’s face it, as travellers, we are almost always obsessed with the idea of ‘new’. We visit certain places, have an amazing time in them and pointedly refused to return because there’s so much else to see and do out there. This need to find somewhere new is not a bad thing though… far from … Continue Reading