Palermo welcomed us to its ancient and historic city with rain. And not the kind of rain that you can ignore for a bit but the kind that carries on till it gets everywhere – in your shoes, your pockets, your bags – everywhere.
And just when you think the rain has stopped, it starts right off again with the earnestness of a child being offered a candy bar – long story short, it was the kind of rain that would distract you from appreciating a city in all its glory.
Palermo, however, managed to leave a lasting impression on us and despite the rain, we trudged on in search of the sights (and for a large part in search of food of course) but while we were there, I didn’t even question why despite all the rain, we still insisted on seeing as much as we could.
Later on, the reason became pretty clear – asides from the fact that we love exploring when all four of us visit a new place, what spurred us on in Palermo was the amazing architecture.
The buildings steeped in history and charm kept us moving from street to street and kept our cameras clicking away.
Anyway, as this post is meant to be a photo diary, I’ll stop trying to describe what it was like and show you in pictures, why the architecture in Palermo is one of the biggest reasons why you need to visit Palermo…
*Head up – it’s a photo-heavy post!
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