I’ve only ever been to Oxford twice in the past and both times it was to do with the University. (*This was of course before deciding that I’d much rather be in Cambridge… )
Pretty as Oxford is, I’d never actually spent any proper time exploring the city and I was only too happy to be rectifying that on this trip!
Thing is, I had no idea what sights to look out for in Oxford but that’s not a bad thing in Oxford as there’s a delight at every turn.
Meandering through the streets led us through the old University buildings, through to the Bridge of Sighs, which we were very quickly distracted from by the Bodleian library…

…and the Radcliffe camera. I reckon, the Radcliffe Camera is perhaps one of the most iconic sights to see in Oxford. Smack bang in the middle of a square surrounded by equally impressive colleges, a trip to Oxford is incomplete without at least popping by to see it.

We also happened to visit on a special day – graduation day! Funnily enough, the idea of University graduations was just one of those things that I always figured was a necessary part of Uni life and not necessarily this huge celebration though as time’s gone on and I’ve reminisced over my Uni days, I’ve come to realise that University graduation is a big BIG deal!
All those years of hard work (albeit mostly done for yourself), darn it – you deserve a day where everyone celebrates you and those nights you spent surviving on coffee and terribly cooked meals!
*Let’s have a little throwback to my most recent one! (Indulge me a little… Hehehe!)

Suffice it to say, the students at Oxford were way ahead of this realisation than I was years ago and were going all out for it – complete with champagne (or prosecco, depending on how much pizza you’d had to order during exam time).
We spent pretty much the rest of the afternoon here sneaking into different colleges and wandering down Oxford many pretty side streets.
Our final stop in Oxford (the city) was the big one – Christ Church (which I used to call Christ Church college for the longest time but it’s actually just called Christ Church). Many people will know this is where Harry Potter was filmed and it’s one of the grandest colleges in all of the University. (It’s also one of the wealthiest).
Actually, scratch that – our final stop wasn’t Christ Church, it was actually the Bridge of sighs! I remembered, as we made a made dash back to the car (I just found out that I needed to pick up my Cambridge alumni card – allowing me free access to the sights at Cambridge, before 5.30pm), that we’d overlooked the Bridge of Sighs and knew Ihad to see it before we left!
Bridge done and feeling like I’d only scratched the surface of Oxford (seriously, it’s a huge city and I need to return to spend a few days here), we headed off to another important sight in Oxford – Blenheim Palace, the childhood home of Winston Churchill!
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