The next morning, I decided it probably made sense to get up a bit earlier, especially seeing as we would have to leave by mid-afternoon to catch our flight back to London and I wanted to cram in as much as possible into the morning.
It was the last day of our trip to Hamburg exploring the Christmas market and as such, I intended on cramming as much gluhwein and candied nuts as possible into my plans (and my suitcase).

Breakfast over and done with, we headed out to the Alster lake to take in a different perspective of the city…

…before popping back into the city.

…swinging past Rathaus for my Christmas markets obsession.
We popped into St. Peter’s Church, which is deceptively quite small inside…

…before making our way slowly towards the Speicherstadt – the UNESCO World Heritage ‘city of warehouses’ in Hamburg. To be entirely honest, the idea of visiting a warehouse (world heritage site or not), didn’t really fill me with much excitement and it was only once we were close enough that I slowly started to appreciate how bigger and grander it was than initially thought.

Alas, by this point, we’d run out of time to explore the city and had to make a bee-line back to the hotel to pick up our bags and head to the airport. At exactly the same time, in rather dramatic fashion, the clouds equally decided to open up and wish us “Fröhliche Weihnachten” (Merry Christmas) by pelting us with heavy rain.

As we rushed back to the hotel, picked up our stuff and made our way back home, I was left with a very familiar feeling. Feeling like I’d not seen nearly enough of Hamburg and most definitely had to return to this amazing city.

Auf wiedersehen for now Hamburg… 🙂
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