For some reason still unbeknownst to me, I had never been to a car boot sale! That is until this weekend and boy was it an experience and a half. On the one hand, there is a lot of rubbish on sale – from old lipstick (still unused of course) to tattered coats which are so far gone, I wondered why they hadn’t ended up in a bin already.
Yet somehow, between the rubbish (and some surprisingly genuinely useful but unexciting items) lies the true treasure of a car boot sale – those items that you somehow never realised you were looking for until you found them! In truth, I think this is why car boot sales are exciting, the potential of finding these amazing items that have been grossly under-appreciated and hence undervalued which you just know will look amazing in your home!
Do exercise caution when you’re buying and try not to get too carried away otherwise you might find that you’re just buying items that will result in your having to set up your own shop in a car boot sale to get rid off soon enough. 🙂 Here are the items I found and the potential plans on what they’re going to be used for… (I need some help with one of them so please do let me know any suggestions you have below!)
1.) The Typewriter. (£10). I shall type blog posts on this from now on… *throws Macbook Pro out of the window * 🙂 I jest – I will try to actually use this but I’m sure this is just going to be a key bit of living room furniture. Might sit it in front of the barber’s chair I found in the bins a few months back. The barber chair is in perfect condition so I have no clue why it was thrown out in the first place! Actually, my guess is that the original owners were moving out of the country and couldn’t take it with them (it’s really heavy!) and so had to get rid of it.
2.) The Basket! (£4) Potential future is a towel basket in the bathroom or a toybox for some of my gadgets I’ve just refused to get rid of. And no, I’m not too old for a remote controlled Wall-E toy or a voice activated Buzz Lightyear toy though that did give me a fright when he started speaking just as I was nodding off to sleep a few nights back… (Similar ones here, here and here)
3.) The Royal Doulton Jar/Vase/I-Don’t-Really-Know-What-This-Is. (£1.50) This is where I need some help. I wanna turn this into a lamp and I’m pretty sure there’s a way to though I’m not entirely sure how. Stay tuned for this one.
4.) A couple of jars. One is smaller and has a wider opening (£1 looks like the one pictured) and the second one shown in the picture (£5). Smaller one will be for cutlery in the kitchen and bigger jar will probably end up with orchids growing out of it.
And there you have it folks! What say ye? And more importantly, do you know how to turn a vase into a lamp?!?! (I’ll take any tips, even an IKEA related hack!)
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