Ah, Europe – where do I even begin? 🙂
Of course, calling this part of the world home means that I am slightly biased when it comes to things to see and do here but there honestly isn’t a season that ‘isn’t good’ to visit Europe. Granted you might wanna veer North during winter and South during summer but across the board, Europe is so diverse that it’ll take you ages to feel like you’ve even begun to scratch the surface of what its like to see the length and breadth of the land.
That’s no reason not to try though. To that end, and in huge part because towards the tail-end of last year, we finally decided to start doing videos properly and use our YouTube channel (previously, it was just a place where we put video that needed to be in blog posts), we’ve put together a playlist of sorts, showcasing 99 amazing places that you need to see in Europe.
We will continuously be updating the channel – we’ve got videos from Peru through to France and right up to Sri Lanka, coming up on our new(-ish) YouTube channel over the coming weeks so look out for them! Oh and click here (or the button below) to subscribe so we get to share them with you first! 🙂
Without further ado – here are 8 countries and the 99 amazing sights! Press play. 🙂
1.) 14 dramatic places you need to see in the Faroe Islands.
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
2.) 10 sights you need to check out in Barcelona.
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
3.) 5 of Sintra (In Portugal)’s finest sights to see.
(If you’re really impatient you can skip to like 1.05 mins to see them quicker)
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
4.) 27 places you should definitely check out on a road trip through Norway.
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
5.) Speaking of road trips, here are 12 places in Italy you definitely need to see from the North right down to the South of the country.
(*apologies for the slightly Disney-esque music, I was just starting to get used to doing videos at this point – the places are still totally worth it though)
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
6.) The UK actually has tropical islands – complete with palm trees and crystal clear blue waters – check them out here.
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
7.) Fancy a trip to Geneva in Switzerland? Well here are 14 things you need to do there…
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
8.) Finishing up this list is our home state of England in the UK and 16 places in the South of the country you definitely need to see.
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
Notable mention:
9-ish.) See the 5 beautiful town of Cinque Terre in Italy.
I didn’t plan on including this one as one of the oldest of the lot but it is in the colourful 5 towns of Cinque Terre and although I still cringe at the sound of my own voice in it, Cinque Terre is too special not to share! 😉
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
And there you have it! 🙂 (*N.B: Notice how I’m not asking for feedback…haha! Practise makes perfect so I promise to get better and better with each new video! 🙂 ).
Don’t forget to subscribe (below) for the next set of videos. 😉
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