New Year, new rickshaw adventures! 😁 This video is some serious farm-to-table video. We’ve literally done, filmed and edited everything in this video within the last 24 hours. Who knows, I may yet master the art of this whole daily vlogging thing. As you probably already guessed from the title, we have indeed returned to … Continue Reading

We arrived late in the evening in Milan for our trip across Italy. Thankfully, we didn’t have much planned for the first evening asides meeting the organisers of the rickshaw tour and other participants over drinks and nibbles so the evening went by in a rather relaxed fashion… (prosecco will do that to you). The … Continue Reading

I’ll get straight to the point – I plan on putting together a proper video on our You Tube channel following our trip across Italy but I got a bit carried away when looking through the video and had to put up this little 45 second teaser. Excited to share it all with you but till … Continue Reading

Exciting news!!! We’re off to explore Italy for a week with nothing but a backpack and a rickshaw! 🙂 It’s very unlike anything else we’ve done before and we’re very excited about it! Bravofly (which is part of the group) set us a challenge to see how much of Italy we could cover – … Continue Reading

As I type this, I am quite literally knackered and just about ready to fall asleep but I had to update you quickly with some photos on what we’ve been up to so far on our road trip across Italy. Needless to say, the proper blog posts will come soon but I’m guessing you’re as … Continue Reading

I’ve done so many blog posts on this but I’ve finally gotten round to editing the video from our trip! 🙂 When we were in Italy I ended up going way overboard with the videos and photos I was taking and it was only when I got home and had to sift through hours of … Continue Reading

Another day, another rickshaw adventure! This time though, the sun came out to play… and even better still, we stumbled upon an amazing surprise in the Italian countryside  – in huge part thanks to us taking a wrong turn and ending up in a town we had no plans to visit. (That’s definitely one of … Continue Reading

Arriving at the very first stop on our Italian road trip ended up being much later than we’d anticipated. Between the stops everywhere for photos and general tomfoolery, we ended up arriving around 9.30 pm. At this point, all I could think was “I hope Italian restaurants are open till quite late” (I kinda thought … Continue Reading

My love affair with Italy is long-standing and so very strong – it’s like every trip back there keeps drawing me even more. As you already know, after our first time driving from Milan to the Amalfi coast in a rickshaw, I’ve long since been a fan of slow travel in Italy. The thing about … Continue Reading

There’s no beating around the bush, there are so many beautiful places in Italy to see. It’s one of my favourite countries to just hop in a car, train, rickshaw and just explore. There’s something I just love about getting to Italy, with a loose plan (and Google Maps) in hand and just exploring some … Continue Reading

Perched in the Lombardy region of Italy, Mantua is an ancient Italian city that’s so incredible to see.  There really is so many of the best things to do in Mantua, plus, it has a whopping history too.  After all, being well over 4,000 years old, what else can you expect. 🙂 Now, in lots … Continue Reading

The hard part’s done; you’ve decided you want to go to Italy and you’ve decided that you’d like to see this by road. Okay, perhaps that’s not the hard part but still, making those decisions is a pretty great start. Now, let us take things from there for you and share our 1-week road trip itinerary … Continue Reading

First off, 24 hours is too little time to spend in the Amalfi coast. That being said, we decided we would give it our very best shot while on our road trip across Italy. It was our final stop in our rickshaw afterall. As with every other day, we arrived in the middle of the … Continue Reading

Right after leaving Milan, we hit the open roads of Italy and started off our first proper drive in the rickshaw. I think it’s safe to say that this is the most terrified I was on the entire trip. Everything was so new and everyone on the roads was moving much faster than we were … Continue Reading