Halloween is definitely one of the most fun evenings for kids and adults alike. For us adults, not only do you get to play dress up and wear things that would probably be unacceptable on any other day of the year, you also get to indulge in as much sugar-laden goodies as you can handle … Continue Reading

It happens to the best of us. We get caught up in moments that get the best of us and make us feel an extreme of one emotion or the other. I use emotion as a vague term here as it can be both positive or negative. Positive emotions – now that’s the easy bit … Continue Reading

Although I haven’t spoken about this, I wanted to share with you my deeply personal experience of travelling over the last two years. Let me first set some context, Yaya and I have been fortunate to visit some incredible places; places that spur me to see, explore, experience and make the most of every opportunity. … Continue Reading

**Competition now closed** Chances are that if you’re anything like me, this is probably one of the easiest Yes’s you’ve given all year. Don’t worry, I wasn’t just asking the question rhetorically. There’s an aim behind it. To celebrate their new campaign #ADifferentView, Celebrity Cruises have released a series of picture frames all across the UK … Continue Reading

Long before I started blogging on here, I’d travelled every at every single opportunity I got. I also held down a full-time job (or at the very least, was studying full-time) and so a lot of that meant having to squeeze in holidays on weekends or public holidays. We’re talking, heading straight out to the … Continue Reading

Woohoo!!! Hand Luggage Only is 2 years old. Okay, fine – it was 2 years old like almost a month ago but we’ve been o the road for the past few week and that, coupled with my love of procrastination, is why I’ve not gotten round to writing this post until now. 🙂 Now I know everyone says this but … Continue Reading

Ignoring the seemingly ‘douchey’ title (…”travelling a lot“), let’s jump right in shall we! 🙂 [Photo: in Sri Lanka]   1.) It’s never too early for plane wine! In regular, real-life, you’d never wake up at 7am and head straight to the kitchen to open up a bottle of Pinot Grigio (or perhaps you would … Continue Reading

There’s a lot of information out there about solo travel (including how great it is) but I have to admit, given half the chance, I’d much rather travel with friends. This is not a judgement about solo travel (in fact it has very little do with it as I’ve done solo travel quite a bit … Continue Reading

I consider myself to be something of an inconsistent snorer. On the whole, I don’t regularly snore however I’ve found that over the last few years (and for some reason, particular exacerbated since I moved to London) that I have moments where I become that guy that snores and either amuses or frustrates everyone else … Continue Reading

Travel has, in many ways, become laden with all sorts of expectations on what we must do, eat, or experience, that it can sometimes make us forget what we can actually take, on a more personal and less ‘physical’ level, from our travels. Travel is, at its very essence, a tool – nothing more… nothing less. Broken … Continue Reading

Let’s face it, as travellers, we are almost always obsessed with the idea of ‘new’. We visit certain places, have an amazing time in them and pointedly refused to return because there’s so much else to see and do out there. This need to find somewhere new is not a bad thing though… far from … Continue Reading

I’ve meant to write this post for a few months now (granted with a slight different title) but seeing as it’s almost 6 months to the day since we went to Ibiza and I spent an indulgent week eating my weight in Spanish food, followed by a healthy week of fitness and a surprising amount … Continue Reading

Christmas is a funny one because for such a ‘jolly season’, it can sometimes be so fraught with stress and hassle – all in the search of perfection, which can end up making the day itself seem quite anti-climactic, especially seeing as a good chunk of it is spent half-asleep (or perhaps even full-on napping) … Continue Reading

Love or hate them… we all tend to either make them, break them or try our best to ignore everything about them! Whatever your feelings on the matter, New Year’s resolutions are about to be shoved down your throat quicker than last Malteser in the pack. 🙂 I’m gonna go out on a whim here … Continue Reading