A few days ago I realised that I had barely touched any of the Nordic countries on the blog and I just knew I would have to rectify that straight away! In order to rectify that I figured I’d so a mega blog post covering the countries way up North but as it turns out, the … Continue Reading

Next up on the Nordic Expedition, we head off to Gothenburg in Sweden. The land of ice and beautiful people (or so the Swedes keep telling me). Okay, that’s a Swedish stereotype but to be fair, there was a lot of ice around and beautiful people so… Right… now, where was I? Oh yes, so … Continue Reading

The final part of the Nordic expedition and the home of the Nobel prize – Oslo! Didn’t find any old Vikings however did find some trolls! 🙂 Nice start to the expedition I say…hehe!!! Excited to be in Oslo… clearly! Time for a gander about town…   …before wrestling a statue for my scarf! Lloyd … Continue Reading

France has long since been a mainstay for many holidaymakers however most people tend to venture to the same places over and over again, while some of those places are necessary staples of any holiday in France. Here’s a list inclusive of said staple destinations and quite a few rarely-considered holiday destinations! 1.) Mont-St-Michel Why? … Continue Reading

Travelling can be great fun. It’s a great chance to explore the world, relax with your family and friends, celebrate a loved one’s wedding/birthday/anniversary/whatever-else-you-like-to-celebrate or do whatever you like. There are no right or wrong reasons to travel, they just have to be right for you! While this is the case, it is also very … Continue Reading

These locations are amongst the most confusingly counter-intuitive yet most beautiful holiday destinations out there! On the one hand you constantly hear horror stories on the news and indeed from other tourists about these destinations but on the other hand, you also find out how exciting, beautiful and vibrant these places are (as well as hearing … Continue Reading

These words struck such a cord with me as they are very much in line with the first point I made in this post here. Here’s hoping these sage words of wisdom courtesy of Meryl Streep gives you some strength, courage or even a bit of cheering up this week… “I no longer have patience for certain … Continue Reading

We’re headed off to Santorini in a few weeks (remember this post here?). This has been on the cards for quite a while now but it’s slipped to the back of my mind for ages until I looked at my calendar recently and realised that it was almost time to head out to Greece again! I had … Continue Reading

Bit of background, I’ve been quite lucky to have spent the last few months living outside of the UK. Funnily enough, for all my love of travelling, I’d never been to Asia before and so this was a summer of firsts. The first opportunity I got, I packed as much travel as possible into every … Continue Reading

Confession: I’m still not entirely sure how to pronounce Phuket! Is the ‘Ph’ pronounced like ‘F’ or ‘P’. Come to think of it, is the ‘Ket’ pronounced like ‘Pet” or ‘Pit’. To be entirely honest, I was too excited upon arrival in Phuket to ponder on these questions at any great depth. I just wanted … Continue Reading

Even the grumpiest of people appreciate a good sunset! There just something about sunsets that makes people wanna do things from whip out their cameras/phones, strip off and start dancing (or is that just me?) to have to pick up their jaws from the floor and here are some of the best places out there … Continue Reading

The day was a particularly hot day in Singapore… perhaps no hotter than average but when you’re still getting used to the heat and have been walking around in the heat, it starts to get pretty uncomfortable. Originally, we were looking for a beach but after getting lost in our search for the beach, we happened upon … Continue Reading

These were taken earlier on when it was still blisteringly cold in Brussels. Brussels is one of my favourite places to visit and I would be lying if I said Belgian Waffles had nothing to do with it! Indeed, every time I’ve been to Brussels, the very first thing I do is eat like 1,000 … Continue Reading

These are items that you probably never heard of before or even considered buying but you’re in need of them and here’s why! 1.) Mini Projectors: How else would you have gotten to watch the Breaking Bad finale on the go? This will save you from screaming and rushing in a mad panic for the remote … Continue Reading