UPDATE: Our Instagram Account is “HandLuggageOnly“. It’s now been fully restored with the kind help of Instagram. Phew! Yikes! Our instagram account just got hacked and we can’t get our account back! Bummer!!! Our new account is now available at “HLOBlog“. We’ve tried everything in our power to get it back but at this point, judging … Continue Reading

As with everywhere on this trip, we arrived in Rome in the dark cloak of night so the next morning, we were more than pleasantly surprised when we looked around us and saw the stunning rolling Roman hills beautifully contrasting that lovely blue sky! It’s definitely the right motivation you need to get you excited … Continue Reading

Some days are just made for throwing away the rule book and seeing where your restless feet will take you… Or in our case, our tiny rickshaw. Back in our place in Rome, we’d met up with some of the others doing the rickshaw challenge and we decided to stick together for part of the route. … Continue Reading

First off, 24 hours is too little time to spend in the Amalfi coast. That being said, we decided we would give it our very best shot while on our road trip across Italy. It was our final stop in our rickshaw afterall. As with every other day, we arrived in the middle of the … Continue Reading

Visiting Pompeii was perhaps one of the most rewarding yet one of the most stressful last-minute decisions I’ve ever made travelling. I’d really wanted to visit Pompeii for quite a while and the road trip seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so however due to the fact that we’d arrive in The Amalfi coast … Continue Reading

Hands down, Santorini is one of my favourite Greek destinations and probably one of the most ‘well-known’ out of the hundreds of tiny little islands that blanket the Aegean Sea. The island itself has some of the best scenery and pretty little towns that perch onto the high cliff edges of the volcanic caldera, it’s a truly … Continue Reading

When we were in New York, we decided pretty early on that we needed to spend some time in Central Park. It’s one of those places that everyone is so easy to take for granted because it’s easy enough to get to, it’s free and you can go there pretty much anytime you want. You’d … Continue Reading

As you already know from our previous post we’re in Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands and it’s so much more beautiful than we imagined. I was whatsapping friends back in the UK and trying to describe Fuerteventura but this Canary island has such an eclectic mix of landscapes that I could only describe it as a … Continue Reading

Also known as the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Holocaust Memorial is a sombre remembrance in Berlin of all the Jewish victims from the World War. According to the architect who designed it the memorial is meant to evoke an unease and confusion. It’s meant to show how a supposedly ‘ordered system’ … Continue Reading

Amsterdam’s labyrinthine canals are what this brilliant Dutch city is famous for… well, one of the things it’s famous for and so getting to drive a boat for the first time ever, and through the canals of Amsterdam nonetheless was a pretty special experience! Also, I know you ‘drive’ a car but when it’s a … Continue Reading

I’ve gotta give credit to Lloyd for finding this gem! He and Georgia pored the internet for hours before coming up with this place. He found it on Airbnb and although he went on and on about how he’d come up with a brilliant find. I was so preoccupied with so many other things that … Continue Reading

I should really start our the ‘tale’ of our trip to Turkey from the very beginning but just in the same way I like to skip mains and go straight for dessert and wine, I’m going to impatiently skip the beginning till later. Arriving in Turkey, we stayed at the Rixos Premium Göcek (a bargain Lloyd … Continue Reading

For our trip to Turkey, we decided to go for the  Rixos Gocek Premium Suite and Villas. Another brilliant find by Lloyd, I must add. 🙂 The hotel is actually located in Gocek and not in Dalaman but it’s a short 30-minute ride from the airport in Dalaman so we at the hotel before we … Continue Reading

I love winter. The cold crisp air, snow and picturesque beauty always leaves gives me fond memories of good times. I always ‘try’ to embrace the cold and love that feeling of wrapping up in a toasty coat and gloves while burying your chin within a fluffy scarf, the only thing that could make it any … Continue Reading