For the longest time, I’d always wanted to visit Northumberland. Come to think of it, I remember the exact moment when travelling to university in Scotland from London. It was the first ever trip to Scotland by train and boy was I in for a treat. I still remember whizzing through beautiful cities like York … Continue Reading

Waking up refreshed from yesterday’s adventure around Northumberland, we headed down for a relaxing and chilled breakfast in the Joiner’s Arms. As they say, ‘all happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast and this was just that. After filling up on mountains of fresh fruit, pots of tea and English breakfast (minus black pudding and mushrooms … Continue Reading

After spending the day on Farne Island the day before, we decided to start our day nice and chilled by visiting the Holy Island of Lindisfarne.  Now, when you’re visiting the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, you have to pay special attention to tides. This is something that certain visitors have learned to their peril! You … Continue Reading

We had such grand plans for lunch in Calgary. We had recommendations from Instagram, we had locals recommend stuff to us and even did some research in advance. Leaving lunch as late as we did, however, threw all of those plans out of the window as we hot-footed it to what was one of the … Continue Reading

I’m such a huge fan of embracing the seasons. In summer-time, I want to spend every possible moment soaking up the sunshine outdoors. In autumn, I want to marvel at the dramatic change in nature as the leaves turn from what is almost ‘uniform green’ to all the many beautiful hues from reds to oranges. … Continue Reading

Our trip to Jordan was booked on something of a whim. One day we sat down over wines and talked about places we’d like to visit soon. And, after a little tipple or two, we’d already planned the best way to visit Petra in Jordan; the trip was going to be immense. The following week, … Continue Reading

Leaving the Royal tombs, we headed off in the direction of the sunshine; or at least, the sunlit parts of Petra thus far, a path that was due to take us to the Monastery, another iconic part of Petrea set high up in the mountains. For some reason, I get performance anxiety whenever I know … Continue Reading

After our full day exploring Calgary (and eating our way through it), it was finally time to bid the city farewell and head out into the Canadian Rocky Mountains of Alberta. Canadian cities are great fun (especially if you know the best places to eat, drink and dance) but the great outdoors is without a … Continue Reading

We arrived into Florida on the sunniest of afternoons (like one of those afternoons that was hot – even for Floridians), which instantly put a smile on my face. It had just been grey in London and the weather was having one of those transitional “not-cold-enough-for-coats but also not-warm-enough-to-go-out-without-one” kinda limbo moments (which happens over … Continue Reading

The following morning, we bade farewell to Clearwater a little too late to squeeze in any proper breakfast. (Save for a quick pastry and a coffee as we left). Leaving Clearwater, we didn’t really have any plans but we’d gotten a few recommendations along the way – one of which was John’s Pass Village. A … Continue Reading

*Bold claim but carry on and you’ll see what I mean… After a rather relaxing evening at Pomeroy Kananaskis Mountain Lodge, we got up nice and early (not too early though) to meet our guide from the day before, Derek. Derek had a different hike for us today and unlike Grotto Canyon, which we’d specifically … Continue Reading

It’s probably safe to say the idea of watching your typical Rugby match in London, is something of a no-brainer. You buy your tickets, you show up (probably dressed in your fave supporting gear finery), watch the game (perhaps, drink in hand) and head home when the game is over. There’s not a whole lot … Continue Reading

By the way, the queue to get in here is incredibly long! It goes round several blocks/streets and then some. By any standards of queues anywhere else we’ve been, it’s long! I can’t speak to how fast the queue moves though (maybe it moves fast enough to make it not so tedious for those on … Continue Reading

After our brilliant morning in the Vatican, we decided to head back towards the hotel to cool off. At the hotel, we remembered that the hotel had offered free drinks on the roof terrace when we checked in so we figured we might as well grab those! Not wanting to move from this respite from … Continue Reading