A weekend in the Cotswolds is always a good idea!
Said weekend in question is made even better when you get to stay in an old historic British countryside home! It’s even amped up some more when you get a classic British car to see the weekend through with (more on that below).
Now, this isn’t the first time we’ve spoken about The Wood Norton on here but permit me, if you will, to take you on a little walk through this amazing place. 🙂
The Wood Norton used to be an old Royal Home (albeit for the French Royal family) and is almost 120 years old!
During World War II, the BBC bought the place so they could carry out emergency broadcasts from here instead of London and till date, although no longer owned by the BBC, there’s a BBC office a couple of doors down from The Wood Norton.
But enough about the history, let’s go check out my room! 🙂
Pretty sweet, right? 🙂
Seriously, there are few places I’ve been to where you feel at home, right away and this one ranks highly up there.
It’s a strange feeling that one actually… It doesn’t feel like home just because my actual home looks like this. Nope…It’s too fancy and pristine too to be my actual home (for starters, at that time of the day, that bed would be slightly dishevelled in my actual home) yet every thing about it, right down to the soft lighting and window seats makes you think “Yes, I could very happily live here”… ergo, you feel right at home in the room. (Okay, I’m gonna stop rambling now…)
The best part about grey weather outside is that it makes you appreciate being indoors more often and after being on the road as often as we are, I genuinely do appreciate those moments spent doing absolutely nothing indoors.
Let’s leave the room and head on outside, shall we?
Outside, a special treat awaited us – the Morgan Plus 4.
*Okay, I’ll happily admit I had no idea what sort of Morgan it was initially. I have always known Morgans are fantastic British heritage cars (and one that’s definitely to impress your friends) but it wasn’t until I did the usual ‘humble brag’ post on Facebook that a friend duly informed me of what specific type of Morgan it was – paving the way for me to do a more informed #HumbleBrag on instagram. 😉
The Morgan was just begging to be ridden and I knew we had to oblige!
But first, a quick lap around the grounds…
Eventually, I could hold it off anymore and off we went to take the Morgan on a little spin!
This car, by the way, is very fast and (surprisingly, to me anyway) quite comfy! 🙂 I think I tend to be more of a substance over style kinda guy (attempting to hike in painful shoes/ridiculously tight skinny jeans will end up making you that way) so when I get the rare opportunity to have both substance and style, I really REALLY appreciate it! 🙂
*The one thing that was missing at this point was a pair of driving gloves!
And off we went to explore Evesham and its surrounds…
…which, by the way, turned out to be a very quick 40 minute trip as dinner, cocktails and a warm place by the fire beckoned back at The Wood Norton.
We still had 2 more days here (1 and a half, technically) and so I was in no hurry whatsoever.
After a quick change (and maybe a quick scan through my emails – I can’t help myself), I headed down in search of dinner and a night cap.
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