The rules of the game are fairly easy to learn and the forfeit (if you lose) is fairly obvious too.
The origin of the game is… actually, I have no idea what the origin of the game is… I was walking around Boston with Lloyd and Lil Miss Chic Therapy and as we wandered around Boston, we came across this water fountain which formed a dome.
Bets were placed on the ability to get into the dome without getting wet.
This instance of the game was kinda pointless as despite manoeuvring the “water net” to get into the centre fairly dry, you still get wet in the middle as there’s nowhere else for the water to go but for it to fall down! (Gravity and all that!)
Thoroughly soaked but absolutely entertained (it takes very little to entertain us), we carried on with our tour of Boston (and by tour, I just mean aimlessly walking around Boston – stopping occasionally for coffees or ice creams).
This carried until we found a set of fountains which just shop water at different heights and timings up into the air. We couldn’t resist and bets were placed on our ability to run across the fountain without getting wet.
What ensued was about 8 adults running across the fountains trying not to get wet! (Yeah, some guys saw what we were doing and decided it was too much fun not to try it out too!)
I would like to point out how amazing I was at this game this time! #HumbleBrag Practise makes perfect after all it appears…
These guys, however – not so much!
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