Being the capital city, it’s no doubt that there’s a pretty hefty amount of the best bars in Edinburgh to visit. From cool bars with bespoke cocktails, to fine brand whisky houses, Edinburgh has something for every taste. You see, across the city, from the Royal Mile, Leith and George Street, there’s a huge mix of … Continue Reading

We arrived in Florence ridiculously late. We’d been so distracted by San Miniato (and that sunset) and ended up spending a few hours winding through the Tuscan mountains in the dark until we got to our hotel for the night. It was pretty cold up in the mountains and suddenly, the t-shirt and shorts combo … Continue Reading

Yeah, I can’t tell you how many times I had to try to be able to remember that full name of that village – and that’s after I actually got round to pronouncing the whole thing in one go. It’s such a mouthful! We saw Civitella in Val di Chiana from a distance away (remember … Continue Reading

I’ve wanted to take this trip across Italy for quite a while and one of the grand ideas I had about it before we finally went on the trip was about driving through Tuscany! Those rolling hills went hand it in hand with daydreams of myself eating as much pizza and gelato as I could … Continue Reading

This is some of the randomness that ensues when you come across sunflower fields.  There is almost no rhyme or reason to this post. 🙂 I’d never really seen sunflowers grown on such a large scale before and we decided to stop to check them out. I think we may have arrived in Italy a … Continue Reading

As much as I would love to take credit for deciding that this is indeed one of the most dramatic cities in Europe, other people did this way ahead of me and a trip to this city only further corroborated that designation. Orvieto truly is something else! The city is built on almost vertical cliffs … Continue Reading

Portugal has some of the most beautiful villages, towns and cities in Europe! Not only that but there’s also a heap of the best places in Portugal that are dotted all across the country. Plus, there are also loads of places to see in Portugal that are quaint, too. Now, some are well known, and … Continue Reading

Our arrival in Berlin was very much defined by a ridiculous amount of sleepiness. As it turns out, the adrenaline that keeps you awake till your taxi with your friends arrives at 3am and leaves you guys chatting all the way to the hotel in your destination, is a sneaky little thing! It’ll abandon you … Continue Reading

Berlin is one of those European cities that has been defined by war. Everywhere you go, the city’s painful past is evident – from the ruins of one grand structures to the eclectic mix of houses built at different times by different generations, Berlin has truly been shaped by the wars its seen. I remember … Continue Reading

The sun didn’t shine much during our long weekend in Berlin but oh, boy when it did, it showed the city off in such a brilliant way. I’ve just gotten round to editing my photos from Berlin (finally!) and will have those on here very soon. In my typical impatient manner, I had to share … Continue Reading

As with everywhere on this trip, we arrived in Rome in the dark cloak of night so the next morning, we were more than pleasantly surprised when we looked around us and saw the stunning rolling Roman hills beautifully contrasting that lovely blue sky! It’s definitely the right motivation you need to get you excited … Continue Reading

Some days are just made for throwing away the rule book and seeing where your restless feet will take you… Or in our case, our tiny rickshaw. Back in our place in Rome, we’d met up with some of the others doing the rickshaw challenge and we decided to stick together for part of the route. … Continue Reading

First off, 24 hours is too little time to spend in the Amalfi coast. That being said, we decided we would give it our very best shot while on our road trip across Italy. It was our final stop in our rickshaw afterall. As with every other day, we arrived in the middle of the … Continue Reading

Visiting Pompeii was perhaps one of the most rewarding yet one of the most stressful last-minute decisions I’ve ever made travelling. I’d really wanted to visit Pompeii for quite a while and the road trip seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so however due to the fact that we’d arrive in The Amalfi coast … Continue Reading