In my last post here, I promised that I would update snapchat on the go (username – HandLuggageOnly) but seeing as I didn’t have internet, somewhere in between the hive of activity we’ve had all day, all my snaps disappeared! (Not impressed Snapchat). It’s almost past 1am here in South Africa and seeing as the … Continue Reading

Ever since I clapped eyes on a South African township as we arrived into Cape Town, I’d been intrigued by them. In a similar way as I would when walking through residential areas in London and having a sneaky glance as I walked past people’s home, I’ve always been intrigued by how other people live. … Continue Reading

Last time we were here, we left knowing South Africa was too good not to come back to. A few short months later, we’re back again in South Africa but instead of going on safari or heading off to explore the justifiably popular (and rather exciting) Cape Town, we’ve kinda gone off the beaten track … Continue Reading

After spending our last morning in Port Elizabeth in the Red Location township, we headed back to the city for a quick tour around the city (which, as it turns out, is the only thing we hadn’t really done at this point). We went past the stadium (World Cup fans probably recognise it) and zoomed … Continue Reading

Our drive from Tsitsikamma to Port Elizabeth was exactly as anticipated – nothing but stunning country vistas pretty much the entire way! Seeing as we arrived at night– this was all the stuff we missed out on the drive over and we were definitely pleased to at least get to see it properly during the … Continue Reading

South Africa is a pretty amazing country to explore, especially if you’re a fan of action-packed adventure, delicious food and literally hundreds of elephants… I’ve gotta say, I was in my element! After our last trip to South Africa, where we visited  Kruger National park, catching up with the ‘big 5’, we knew we wanted to return! If Kruger … Continue Reading

I wanted to write this post almost immediately after we returned from the restaurant! If it weren’t for my food haze and subsequent indulgence in some South African red wine, I would have been singing the praise of this place almost as soon as we got back to the Singa Lodge. How did we find … Continue Reading