We have so much to catch up on, you and I! I feel like we haven’t spoken in a while and I have so much to say and of course, I want to hear what you have to say too but in a manner that would make Veruca Salt rather proud – I want to have a go first! 🙂
Where do I begin?
Oh yeah, Santorini!
As you can probably tell from our @HandLuggageOnly Instagram, we were in Santorini quite recently and indeed you and I have so much to catch up on! So much food was eaten, wines(?) were drunk and sights were seen!
Oh, the sights!
Santorini is so beautiful and we got to explore Santorini both on land and via boat (catamaran).
I only realised after getting back home that I have taken almost a million photos that I wanted to share with you.
Unfortunately, I can’t fit a million photos into one blog post (why, oh why!!!) and so I will have to try to select some of them very soon to share with you. To apologise for my relative lateness on updating you, I will leave a couple of photos below.
Exploring Santorini by boat.
Exploring Santorini on land…
What else? Oh yeah, the last few days have been pretty epic!
As you could tell from my post on Friday, we headed our to explore Gipuzkoa in the Spanish Basque Country. It was our first time in the region and while we didn’t really know what to expect and were hoping for the best – the reality that met us there way surpassed our expectations.
Even looking back at the photos now, it’s so hard to believe that some of the places we visited were in Spain and within such an easy reach from the UK.
The version of Spain I’d been familiar with were dry, arid landscapes, scorching heat and so visiting Gipuzkoa was quite an eye-opener.
I can’t tell you enough about how many jaw-dropping moments I had in the Basque Country but more of that later on.
In typical style, I again took perhaps 10 million photos and have to get down to showing you the photos as soon as possible!
The photos will be up soon so do pop into the shops and make sure you’re stocked up on the biscuits, cakes and tea for when we go through them together.
I’ve tried putting a few photos on Instagram but here are some you may have not seen on there.
Oh and before I go, I almost forgot this one, I’ve opened a new YouTube channel for Hand Luggage Only.
I’ve not gotten round to putting up a video yet (it is really REALLY new) but I’m trying to put together my first video and hopefully, will constantly update the channel with videos from our travels, tips, tricks and general chit chat. As you can imagine, the best way to stay up to date is to subscribe to the Hand Luggage Only YouTube channel.
As they say in the (Spanish) Basque Country – Eskerrik Asko (thank you!) and Agur (goodbye) for now.
That’s me showing off the little Basque I learnt this weekend. hehe!.
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