1.) Money can’t buy happiness… but it can’t buy unhappiness either. What you do with the money you have is down to you.
2.) Be less modest! People need to be told how amazing you are. After all, how else will they know that there’s steak for dinner if you don’t let hear it sizzle!
3.) Pay less attention to critics – they really don’t know you or what you want.
4.) Sleep more – it’s one of the best (free) treats you can give yourself.
5.) Be less normal. The time and effort spent trying to “be normal” usually just results in being less you.
6.) Stop over-thinking things. The world needs to see a more uncensored version of you.
7.) Try out a different type of outfit. Why? a.) It will (surprisingly) make you feel different – which is an experience in itself and b.) Why not? It’s just clothes after all.
8.) Drink more water. This is the only liquid your body actually needs.
9.) Tell people how feel more often. It’s one of the hardest things for other people around you to guess and it will help you build much deeper and meaningful relationships with people around you.
10.) Party hard. This does not mean getting drunk (in fact – very far from that) – it just means being 100% in the moment at any social gathering you find yourself in!
11.) Spend more time reading about Kim Kardashian’s butt or whatever else is trying to #BreakTheInternet – it is pure nonsense (I know) but everything doesn’t always have to be so serious.
12.) Dance more! It feels good.
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