See what I did there? Hehehe! 😉 🙂 🙂 Right, so this has been kept under wraps for too long and I can’t hold out on you longer! We’ve got some exciting news!!!
We’ve been invited to explore the Basque Country in Spain, more specifically, the province of Gipuzkoa over the next few days! And even before you ask – Yes, it took me a while to figure out how to pronounce Gipuzkoa though I’m still not sure I’m doing it right. 🙂 I will keep you updated on the right pronunciation of the name. In fact, I will do one better, I will keep you updated on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest on what we get up to using the hashtags #TurismoGipuzkoa and #ohmytrip.
This is my first time in Gipuzkoa and the Basque Country so expect lots of updates on food eaten (of which I plan to eat a lot!), places stayed in, the sights seen, the culture… in fact, just expect (A LOT OF) updates on everything!!!
I’ve got a few photos of Gipuzkoa I found on the scouring the net – I’m guessing you and I are quite alike in that we like to see the photos even before going to the place so here’s a little taster…
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