I’ve never really been a fan of expensive headphones. The sound system, iPhone, MP3 player or whatever else the headphones were attached to – those items I could understand spending a lot of money on but not really headphones. In the past, I used to buy those cheap headphones you’d typically find in Tesco’s or some other general shop and they’d last all of 3 months before I would have to replace them. I didn’t mind so much – they were cheap so it wasn’t a huge financial burden but a few years back two things made me realise that it was worth getting decent quality headphones – 1.) The headphones that came with my iPhone and 2.) Chris gave me some Sony headphones he’d bought on eBay and I used them all the time – especially at University when I wanted to watch TV as loudly as possible! Not having to look for replacements every so often made me realise that perhaps decent quality headphones were worth it. I think my biggest problem with shelling out money on headphones is probably that I saw them more as “extras” instead of being essential.
Fast forward to this week, I got a pair of Sony Hi-Res headphones. I was initially skeptical (as you can imagine) but I kid you not, as soon as I had them round my ears, they cancelled out pretty much all of the sounds around me – this was even before I tried playing any music on them! In my excitement, I called out to Lloyd to tell him how amazing they were (I was almost bouncing off the walls) and Lloyd just laughed at me and duly informed me that they are actually called noise-cancelling headphones. How did I not know this? I have to admit, I was a bit ashamed of my exuberant display of ignorance. That and now, Lloyd keeps lording it over me and I can’t let him have the upper hand – I need to find out more stuff that he doesn’t know and fast!
Then the music came on! And again, I was blown away by how brilliant it was – the sound was pitch perfect on the headphones. I kinda realised there and then that the reason I’d never really understood why some pricier headphones was quite a big deal was because I’d never had one before. That moment reminded me of when the iPhone was first released and I said I wouldn’t get one – why would I need a bigger screen just to call and text? Then I walked in a shop one day, looking for something else and I was shown what the iPhone could do – especially with the apps and I left with a new one within minutes (I’m that impulsive). This was one of those moments. I just never knew how good a decent set headphones could be! (Oddly enough, I found this article from Time just a couple of days before trying the headphones out for the first time and as you can see, Sony ranked much higher than Apple or even Beats by Dre – now it all makes sense)
And let’s not forget about the actual Sony Walkman MP3 player – equally Hi-Res (High Resolution) the sound quality from this can only be described as EPIC! Yes, I know I’m gushing now but when I upgraded my phone, I got one with less storage so I’ve been without my music for a while (it was either that or having space to tae photos for instagram so you know which option I chose) and now, I have my music again! I’m uploading my entire music album onto it right now, some photos and a few videos to watch! It feels amazing and liberating to have all the songs and videos I need for when I’m travelling and so my excitement right now is pretty palpable!
On an random aside, I was listening to these the first time and watching the sun set over London, even though that sunset was pretty amazing, the entire musical set up amped this up quite a few notches! Pun intended. Hehehe! Oh and I almost forgot to mention – the headphones can work with your phone and have a microphone for you to receive calls.
If you’re really into technical details and wanna find out more (I’m never quite as concerned with the technical details as I am with what it can do in real life) then you can on the official website for the Sony headphones (officially called the MDR-1A) and the Sony Walkman MP3 Player (officially called the NWZ-A15).
Okay, enough garbing on! There’s some skiing that I need to attend to right now! Catch ya soon!
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