It wasn’t really ‘a day’ as much as it was ‘an evening’ as we had to hurriedly drop the car at the airport in Pisa and make our way over to Florence via other means.
This was by bus to be exact. See, the train has issues, it kinda works but you still have to take a but to Pisa Centrale and then take the train to Florence.
From there, it takes exactly the same time as just taking a direct bus from the airport so taking the bus was the less hassle-free option. We arrived in Pisa and made a bee-line for the Antica Torre di Via Tornabuoni n. 1 hotel.
After much “Ooohing” and “Aaahing” about the amazing view from the rooms.
We headed upstairs to the roof terrace with the aforementioned amazing views to watch the sunset over glasses of bubbles…
Finally, we lazily decided to figure out where to go to for dinner (thankfully, people eat till quite late in Italy so we still had quite a decent set of choices).
And, on the recommendation of the receptionist, we decided to go try a place called Bucca Mario.
Okay, how lucky are Italians that they get two main courses (not including starters or dessert!!!).
Needless to say, I felt right at home! 🙂 (I do love my grub!)
There was so much choice on the menu here but I kinda ended up panic-ordering the first course. I had the pasta, Lloyd had the… er… I’m gonna say vegetable stew but I have no clue what that is…
I love how fresh the ingredients are here! The chefs kept popping round to put stuff in the fridges and get them out right in front of you.
For the mains, we ordered a steak!
Now, this is no ordinary steak! It’s a huge steak and after having a bit of pasta, I was kinda shocked when the steak arrived (though mostly shocked in a good way!)
The waiter set about chopping the steak up inn a rather impressive style!
I can’t even pretend! I was stuffed as soon as I had the first bite! It was gigantic – but in true Yaya style, I powered through and ate every last bite. Not before loosening up my belt of course – no seriously, that belt had to go! 🙂
There were huge plans for dessert that night but after that huge steak battle, we were so stuffed, we pretty much had to be rolled out like wine barrels out the restaurant!
The evening of course ended back up at one of the roof terraces (which is open 24/7), sipping cappuccinos and while taking in the amazing view of Florence at night!
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