The midnight sun, for the uninitiated, is a phenomenon in which the sun just won’t quit! 🙂 Not the most scientific of definitions but it pretty much sums it all. The midnight sun happens around the middle of summer and the sun just stays out and never sets. Best part about it? You get so much more time to capture ‘the perfect sunset’. In any case, the midnight sunset, like the Northern Lights, is one of those sights that you just have to see and here are some places where you can do just that! 🙂
The rule for seeing the midnight sun in any of these countries is fairly simple – head up as far north as you possibly can! (e.g. in Norway – head up to Svalbard) and you should be in with a chance of seeing this amazing phenomenon.
1.) Norway
2.) Alaska, USA. I say Alaska specifically, even though I’m referring to countries here because of how huge the US is – plus, that’s the Northernmost part of the US that you can visit.
3.) Sweden
4.) Greenland
5.) Finland
6.) Russia
7.) Canada
8.) Iceland
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