Long before I started blogging on here, I’d travelled every at every single opportunity I got. I also held down a full-time job (or at the very least, was studying full-time) and so a lot of that meant having to squeeze in holidays on weekends or public holidays.
We’re talking, heading straight out to the airport from work on a Friday and coming back home at midnight on Sunday (which sometimes meant not actually going to bed till almost 3am on Sunday night/Monday morning). Sounds stressful but in truth, we all loved (and still love) it.
These days, we’re a lot more flexible and are very lucky to be invited on lots of trips across the world (ridiculous #HumbleBrag there *face palm* haha!) – thing is though, whether it’s a trip you’ve been invited on or one you’ve booked yourself with your friends impromptu after far too many glasses of wine on a week night, the principles of packing still remain very much the same.
Initially, I used to be worried and pack pretty much everything and anything I may every have possibly (but never actually) needed on a holiday. I’ve even travelled with a hard-drive the size of small dog. These days, I’ve pretty much nailed down the 4 main things you need to pack for any 2 day trip!
This is particularly pertinent if you are travelling with just hand luggage, by the way. If you’ve got checked-in baggage, feel free to skip this and take the fridge and the microwave with you on your holiday if you want!
1.) Clothes: You’re away for 2 days – chances are that you can wear the same pair of jeans for more than one day. And you’re probably gonna be wearing said jeans on your way out so you can skip packing jeans. (In summer, swap jeans for short – same principle still applies. Pack a top for each day and then one extra one – just in case. Same goes for socks and underwear. Don’t forget pajamas… and swimwear, if appropriate. (Those are the ones that are easiest to forget).
Extra Tip: One tip (especially if you’ve inexplicably decided to spend the day rolling around with the pigs in mud), is to pop your jeans in the freezer. This gets rid of most of the bacteria and any odour from rolling in aforementioned mud. 😉
2.) Toiletries: The bare essentials are – skincare (all I take is moisturiser because un-moisturised black skin just goes ashy – ladies and some gents even might wanna take travel make up as well), toothbrush & toothpaste and deodorant. Anything else (except prescription medication and contact lenses) are just extra and you know it.
3.) Camera and Electronics: One camera is all you need (my DSLR does videos and photos so I just take that one), chargers, travel adapter and back up battery packs.
Side note: You can also take your iPad/laptop – which feels essential for a blogger but in truth, you can totally skip this one.
Those three things above are all the items you need to travel with. Anything else is absolutely unnecessary and can be skipped. I’ve learnt this after years of over-packing hand luggage and having to channel my inner camel while trawling across different cities on holiday. These days, I can pack my bags in less than 15 minutes.
This post is short and concise (almost). Just as your packing list should be.
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