And no, I don’t mean TV programmes! I mean actually official schemes run by different countries to help people come to their countries to experience it in all its glory and fullness.

1.) United Kingdom
The Tier 5 Youth Mobility programme. Open to people from a limited set of countries between the age of 18 – 30 and with savings of £1,890. More details available here. Even if you don’t meet the requirements or perhaps want to move to the UK on the basis of your educational background, your skills learnt or some other criteria, you should look at the full list of programmes here.
2.) Canada
The International Experience Canada schemes. There are 3 schemes (targeted at young people) allowing you to work officially in Canada and travel across the country to fully immerse yourself in Canadian life. There’s a working holiday programme, young professional programme and international co-op internship programme (full details here). There are of course other schemes not targeted at young people which also allow you to move to Canada (check out the full list here).
3.) Singapore
If you’re currently studying (at any University level in a science-based subject), Singapore has schemes to not only help you move to Singapore but to also help pay for your stay while in Singapore (more details on funding schemes are available here).
There are also schemes to help people who have a decent amount of work experience move to Singapore. It’s an expensive place to live but the wages are commensurate with the expenses so you’ll find that your quality of life in Singapore is actually quite fantastic. The full list of schemes and details are available here.
4.) New Zealand
The Working holiday programme. These are more country-specific but the rules are generally similar and they allow you to get a fantastic balance of working and travelling across the country – which is great, especially from an expenses point of view. More details are available here.
5.) Australia
Similar to New Zealand (and with full details here), the working holiday is a great way to fully live the Australian life! It lasts a year, is open to people aged 18 – 30 but if you’re older or more experienced, there other schemes (available here) which could very well be right up your street.
So, why have I mentioned just 5 programmes? Are there more programmes? Well, the whole point of writing this post is to point out that there are lots of official programmes run by different countries to help you move to these countries and experience what life is like there and perhaps gain new skills and make new friends while you’re at it. I’m fully aware that not all these scheme are open to people from every country but you have no idea if it’s something open to you until you read more to find out about it right. And even if you’re not eligible right now, it could act as a goal of some sort to help you aim to be eligible for those programmes. Study to meet the Educational criteria, save enough money to meet the savings criteria (if there’s one), learn key skills to help you meet the skills criteria). The whole point is that the world is your oyster and there are so many more options that are open to you than you probably realise!
What should you do next?
The list above has just 5 countries – there are so many more countries out there with even more potential schemes to help you visit the country and see more of the world. You need to decide on the countries you are interested in, head on to their official website and check out the schemes that you are either eligible to apply for or can see yourself working towards being eligible to apply for.
The only way you can see more of the world is if you take that first step towards doing so! 🙂
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