Yup! It’s that time again – another time for another pointless game. 🙂 Now if you remember from the last one, there is no real purpose behind this – I just wanna see which choices you’d make. 🙂 I’d been thinking about how different cities are kinda famous for different things and appeal to different people for different reasons – some I’ve always know and some have taken me entirely by surprise (like how the nightlife in Copenhagen was absolutely fantastic! Even the atmosphere was reminiscent of parties you’d expect in countries closer to the mediterranean). In any case, I wanna see which city you’d choose to visit and why!
Okay, the rules are simple. It’s kinda like the film “Seven brides for seven brothers”… I’ve never actually seen the film so I’m guessing from the name that it’s an apt analogy. I really should try to see that film… Anyhooooo, you essentially just have to match each activity to one city. Only one activity per city! 🙂
The activities are:
1.) Eating
2.) Partying
3.) Relaxing (on a beach perhaps?)
4.) Hiking
5.) Get lost without a map (intentionally of course)
6.) Photography (and the best views)
7.) Shopping
The cities:
1.) London
2.) Singapore
3.) Sydney
4.) New York
5.) Mumbai
6.) Paris
7.) Rio de Janeiro
Of course, I’ll kick things off by letting you know my choices…
1.) Eating – Paris
2.) Partying -New York
3.) Relaxing – Sydney
4.) Hiking – Singapore (it’s actually got some fantastic nature trails)
5.) Get lost without a map – London
6.) Photography – Rio de Janeiro
7.) Shopping – Mumbai
NOW IT’S YOUR TURN! 🙂 Which cities would you visit to do which activities?
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