First things first, get yourself down to Antigua! HOW TO GET THERE Once you’re in Antigua, head on down to Stingray city. It’s fairly popular, in fact, I think it’s the first thing I saw at immigration. You’ll need a taxi to get here unless you happen to be based in Seaton Village. Or if … Continue Reading

We’ve put together a whopping list of 101 Free Things To Do In London and better still, it’s now absolutely free to get this book! We always hoped to make this book free at some point but due to complications over at Amazon, there was a minimum price attached to it. This price was understandably due … Continue Reading

Before I headed out to Antigua, I’d heard rumours of how beautiful the beaches in Antigua are and how amazing it was for snorkelling so after a relaxing day exploring, I knew the very first activity I wanted to get up to was snorkelling! I arrived bright and early to sign up for snorkelling at … Continue Reading

I’ve been meaning to write this post for quite a while now. I’m pretty sure if I look through my drafts, I’ll find some unfinished version of it in there… and by “unfinished version”, I mean I probably write the title and one, possibly two sentences. Well, I finally decided it was high time to publish … Continue Reading

I arrived in Antigua at around 5.30pm and after a couple of hours of getting through immigrations, customs and weaving through the island in a taxi, I finally arrived at what I would be calling home for the next week – St James Club. By the time I got in, it was too dark to take … Continue Reading

Lotsa love – Yaya and Lloyd

It’s a little place called Pllek and the sunsets are brilliant here! It’s one of those places you’ll probably never have heard of if you don’t live in Amsterdam (if you have though – kudos to you). You need to cross the river on the free ferry to get there and it’s another short taxi … Continue Reading

There’s this philosophy that you know a place is really great on your travels when you find that it’s where the locals go to. As elitist as this sounds sometimes, it tends to turn out to be true and so I’ve learned to embrace this philosophy a little more than I probably would.   One of … Continue Reading

I spoke earlier on about when we arrived in Turkey and I found out about the ‘Secret Beach’ (which quite frankly wasn’t really much of a secret but that’s a good thing). Well, as it turns out, to get the best spot on the beach, you need to make a reservation at the hotel to … Continue Reading

As you can probably already tell from our Instagram and Twitter! 😉 We’ve also done some of the solid staple stuff to do in Valencia of course and I have so much to tell you but as per usual, I have very little time to do so right now as I need to leave the … Continue Reading

For almost half a year, we called Singapore home and what a glorious half a year it was. Elements of Singapore were reminiscent of being home in London (the diversity of people and food on offer for starters) though for the most part Singapore has its own unique feel. It’s easily a city/country that I’d move … Continue Reading

Yup! You heard that right! You didn’t think I was going to leave you off the celebrations now did you? Seeing as you’re probably stocking up on the Christmas and that special bottle of champagne to see in the New Year, the kind folks at are giving away a classic bottle of Moet and … Continue Reading

My first impressions of Antigua was definitely all about how colourful it. The houses are the most amazing pastel hues and even the coconut trees blend beautifully with the blue skies! It’s also really warm here but I guess that’s like saying ‘sugar is sweet’. 🙂 I effectively spent my first day here relaxing (which … Continue Reading

Party season is definitely upon us. You can’t seem to pop online without seeing at least one photo/status update about some party one of your friends has been to. Or maybe you’re that friend who keeps putting those photos up. Ha! Well, this time last year, I remember running around the shops to get the … Continue Reading