I was going to write this post about a week ago but I genuinely couldn’t think of a way to start it. I still can’t think of a way to start it so rather than procrastinating any further, I’m just trawl through all the sights we saw in Berlin. There are too many photos to … Continue Reading

This is the second part of this post on sightseeing in Berlin here. Let’s carry on, shall we! 🙂 Neue Kirche / New Church (Also known as “Deutscher Dom”) Konzerthaus Berlin FRENCH CATHEDRAL Berlin Cathedral Berlin TV Tower Berlin Cathedral (again) Altes Museum Humboldt University Reichstag building Brandenburg Gate To complete this list is this … Continue Reading

This is a photo diary so I’ll spare you all the waffle and jump right in! 🙂 There are a few photos we took on our long weekend in New York City when we decided to head off to Central Park. Photos were taken before (and after) our boat ride here … Read more: Best … Continue Reading

On our recent trip to South Africa, I took over 3600 photos. And this was me being ‘prudent’ and trying not to take too many photos. The resultant effect of this of course means that as eager as I have been to share with you what we got up to, I’ve barely been able to … Continue Reading

Grand Central Station is one of those places in New York that I often wonder why I pop in to see. Almost every time I’ve been here, I’ve had no business visiting the station. No trains to catch, no shops to visit, no business somewhere-nearby which means it’s convenient enough to just pop in… None … Continue Reading

It’s been over 10 years since either of us was in Dublin last and so we were understandably excited to return to this amazing Irish city. There’s so much to tell you of course – so much more than I can talk about before I need to run out of the hotel in a few … Continue Reading

The concept of bad or good weather is quite relative but for most of us, the idea of bad weather is one when the skies are grey, dull and pouring with rain. Let’s be honest, sunshine has been shown to have mood enhancing properties with the opposite being true for grey days. Then there’s the photography … Continue Reading

As you can probably already tell from our Instagram and Twitter! 😉 We’ve also done some of the solid staple stuff to do in Valencia of course and I have so much to tell you but as per usual, I have very little time to do so right now as I need to leave the … Continue Reading

I arrived in Antigua at around 5.30pm and after a couple of hours of getting through immigrations, customs and weaving through the island in a taxi, I finally arrived at what I would be calling home for the next week – St James Club. By the time I got in, it was too dark to take … Continue Reading

Before I headed out to Antigua, I’d heard rumours of how beautiful the beaches in Antigua are and how amazing it was for snorkelling so after a relaxing day exploring, I knew the very first activity I wanted to get up to was snorkelling! I arrived bright and early to sign up for snorkelling at … Continue Reading

Night time photography is the bane of many a photographer. To be perfectly frank, as beautiful as night time photos look, they tend to be one of the hardest types of photography to nail a.) because the rules vary considerably depending on what sort of photograph you’re after (for instance, Northern light photos require a totally … Continue Reading

We arrived in Gdansk on a rather cold Friday night. It was so late by the time we arrived that we barely saw anything of the city and seeing as it was our first time in Poland, I can’t even say that we knew what to expect. 🙂 Still, the four of us (me, Lloyd, … Continue Reading

Swiftly following on from the 1st part, here are the rest of the photos from the old town of Gdansk. This photo below was probably the very first one I put on Instagram after we arrived in Gdansk. I’d spent the past few hours going “WOW!!!” at every street corner and by this point. Honestly, … Continue Reading

As per our last post here (and if you’ve been on our Instagram or Twitter) lately, you’ll probably have seen that we’re in Madrid. This trip to Madrid has been a lot busier than initially thought. I had this silly idea in my head that a trip to Madrid in winter would be a lot … Continue Reading