The Northern Lights probably need no introduction. That being said, finding the best places to see the Northern Lights is a totally different matter!  The images of them are so iconic and they are a natural wonder that is even more amazing to see in real life. Seeing them in person is an experience I … Continue Reading

Photography is an art form in itself I believe and so it doesn’t, nor should it, comply with rules. Some people say things like always take photos with your back against the sun (so that your subject is properly illuminated) but I have seen very powerful and moving photos where the opposite of that advice … Continue Reading

We’ve all been there – you get your flashy new DSLR camera after using your old (or perhaps even new) digital camera or even your iPhone/Android phone for ages and ages and suddenly, you’re stuck with this beautiful, functional and, quite frankly, expensive DSLR camera that you have no idea how to use or what quite of the … Continue Reading

Travel photography can sometimes be a tricky one. Unlike other forms of photography (e.g. food photography which happens in a controlled environment, after all, it’s not like this pie’s running away) there are too many variables which can end up with you getting either an amazing (one-off) photo or a really crappy photo (like so … Continue Reading

Whether you actively set out to see wildlife (as you might in a safari or a trip to the zoo) or you happen to come across them totally randomly as you explore your current travel destination, it’s safe to say that taking photos of animals in their natural (or simulated) habitat can prove rather tricky. … Continue Reading

Night time photos can be some of the best photos you can take yet conversely one of the hardest photos to take! They either turn out fantastic or in really awful quality and there’s usually very little in between. Even the slightest movement when taking the photos can make such a difference to the photo … Continue Reading

I’ve had a few questions over the past few months about what camera I use to take my photos, what accessories I have and what else I pack with me, photography-wise, when travelling. I planned on answering these questions all in one go on a post but yesterday, I figure I might as well put … Continue Reading

Photography has moved by leaps and bounds in recent years and even just 7 years ago, you wouldn’t think of using your phone as your main photography tool but these days, phone photography pretty much dominates the bulk of photos shared on social media. Granted mine are photos of mundane cr*p like my inability to … Continue Reading

We’ve been trying our best to keep calm about this but we can’t anymore – we’ve written a book and wanna shout about it from the top of the hills! One of our favourite parts about travelling is taking getting to indulge in our passion – photography,  so much so that there’s some healthy rivalry … Continue Reading

Taking photos when you travel can be so much fun. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to see these things in person (with or without the photography element). However, taking nice photos of the day is almost like an instant ticket to take you back to these places you visited and the adventures you’ve had. … Continue Reading

And it’s free too! So, we all know a good camera does not make a person a good photographer – in the same way, a good pan does not make anyone a good chef, you still need to inject a bit of your skill and style to get a great photo (or indeed a great … Continue Reading

Today, while I was randomly perusing Pinterest (and simultaneous nursing my post-lunch food belly), I came across a couple of rather interesting photography cheat sheets that I haven’t seen around but which I find pretty much on the money. Usually I’m not a fan of sharing infographics or anything that looks remotely like one (I’m not … Continue Reading

Putting up photos on Instagram is one of the simplest things in the world. You can quite literally click, upload and even insert a witty caption in seconds. Using Instagram these days is about so much more than that though. It’s about you getting a chance to showcase your own view of the world and share … Continue Reading

The concept of bad or good weather is quite relative but for most of us, the idea of bad weather is one when the skies are grey, dull and pouring with rain. Let’s be honest, sunshine has been shown to have mood enhancing properties with the opposite being true for grey days. Then there’s the photography … Continue Reading