And boy was it something of a revelation! When we visited Gipuzkoa in the Basque Country (in Spain), I had lots of different expectations – that the people would be friendly (this is a popular and rather well known fact), that the language would be dramatically different from Spanish, that the weather would be great… … Continue Reading

Twas the night before Christmas…. The cat was getting drunk on mulled wine… Santa, all ready for Christmas, took a bit of time off for some festive golf… …before heading out to deliver presents! Unfortunately however, Rudolph wasn’t having any of it! So Santa had to resort to more creative ways to deliver the presents… … Continue Reading

Excited wrapping Christmas presents and prepping for New Year’s Eve parties. I found these photos from New Year’s Eve fireworks in London and thought I’d best take a quick break from wrapping presents and drinking more mulled wine than is advisable to share these photos with you! Unsurprisingly, on this particularly cold evening, the fireworks … Continue Reading

The rules of the game are fairly easy to learn and the forfeit (if you lose) is fairly obvious too. The origin of the game is… actually, I have no idea what the origin of the game is… I was walking around Boston with Lloyd and Lil Miss Chic Therapy and as we wandered around … Continue Reading

First off, this is part 1 of the post as there are too many photos to fit in one post so do settle down with a good cuppa tea… actually, scratch that! Chuck that tea down the sink and get yourself a huge vat of mulled wine instead (go on – it’s Christmas time… N.B.: I … Continue Reading

Swiftly following the morning’s sailing/kayaking and lunch-time gluttony (if you missed that – check out part 1 of this post – which has been split to two parts due to having lots of photos), my friends and I (who must have put on quite a few pounds from lunch alone) headed off to the next … Continue Reading

2014 was the year that Hand Luggage Only was truly born! Lloyd and I started toying with the idea of Hand Luggage Only back in 2012 after travelling around at every opportunity possible and accumulating quite a lot of travel photos so after a bit of “to’ing” and “fro’ing” we finally decided to go for … Continue Reading

Madagascar is probably not the first place most people think of when it comes to planning your holiday but despite the country being one of the most remote places to visit, there are so many reasons to visit Madasgascar (or at least to think about it when you’re planning your holidays) and here are just … Continue Reading

It’s a New Year and I’ve decided that I would like to share (even more) personal stuff on the blog and what could be more personal than sharing my bad habits with you. It’s just “baby steps” (I know) but let’s jump right into it shall we? Here are 5 of my bad habits: 1.) … Continue Reading

After a couple of days in The Blue Lagoon in Iceland, we moved bases to Reykjavik (we had a car so moving around was quite easy) and so on this particular day, we set off to see as many Icelandic sights as possible! The day was filled with amazing waterfalls, scary yet impressive looking volcanos, … Continue Reading

A photo diary from our New Year’s Eve celebrations plus a sneak peak into my new flat! Been meaning to put these up a few days ago but didn’t quite get round to it till now. Better late than never I say! I also promise to do a more detailed post on the new flat! … Continue Reading

How many of these places dotted all around the world have you ticked off your travel list so far and how many do you plan on ticking off your list this year? (N.B.: Living in the places also counts too! 😉 ) 1.) Bali: There are only 210 days in the Balinese Calendar (i.e. The … Continue Reading

That entrance though! Kinda scary and eerie in one fell swoop! Ha!  Luna Park in Sydney is so retro (it actually opened for the first time in 1935) as are some of the attractions in it but is part of its draw. It’s a fantastic throwback venue and such a fun atmosphere to be in. … Continue Reading

1.) It’s winter (in Europe, USA, Canada and part of Asia). Stop trying to fight it and just go for a winter holiday! Part of the joy of seasons is the extremes of different weathers so make the most of the snow and cold while it’s here. 2.) Start looking now! Yes, you may or … Continue Reading