These are the photos from our trip to Cinque Terre in Italy! Each of these 5 UNESCO World Heritage sites is so unique and so beautiful that I genuinely struggled to cram all the photos taken into one blog post (even for a photo heavy blog post, it would have been way too many photos) … Continue Reading

These are the photos from our trip to Cinque Terre in Italy! Each of these 5 UNESCO World Heritage sites is so unique and so beautiful that I genuinely struggled to cram all the photos taken into one blog post (even for a photo heavy blog post, it would have been way too many photos) … Continue Reading

Road trips have long since been a mainstay of travel and are always a great way to pack in as many sights as possible. In fact, visiting the Highlands of Scotland is incredible and you’ll be spoilt for choice of places to see.  Although they’re quite synonymous with the US, Scotland is giving the US … Continue Reading

Lots of people know about the larger islands of Europe: Great Britain, Ireland, Sicily and many more but there are many smaller (but no less breathtaking) islands that we often forget or bypass on our quest to visit while travelling around Europe. Some of the islands are “off the beaten track” so to speak, while … Continue Reading

Woohoo!!! I’ve wanted to visit Copenhagen for quite a while now and I’m so pleased we’re here! Georgia, Yaya, Chris and I just arrived into our hotel (which is amazing by the way – can’t wait to show you what it looks like) and we’re off to see the city in a few minutes but … Continue Reading

Florence is a fantastic city to behold! Even aspects of it that would seem a tad odd in other cities in the world somehow manage to be beautiful in Florence. Florence definitely packs a lot of Tuscan charm and so it’s almost certain that the best way to take in the city is to get … Continue Reading

Travelling is a unique, no matter how many of us go the similar places or have similar experiences, our time and experience of travelling is always different…. It’s a personal experience that we are able to shape, mould and continue to grow from. One of the biggest things that I think travelling has allowed me … Continue Reading

France is as diverse as any country can be, with its Mediterranean coast to the south, its mountainous eastern regions across the Alps to the south-western French Basque Country, France has it all. I wanted to showcase some of my favourite destinations that should be included on every trip to France this year. I have … Continue Reading

This is an awkward one. The political realities of where this is located (Crimea) make it very tricky to visit (or even to recommend visiting) but as you can tell from the photos below, this castle is dramatically beautiful! [image via] [image via] [image via] [image via] [image via] [image via] [image via]

It wasn’t really ‘a day’ as much as it was ‘an evening’ as we had to hurriedly drop the car at the airport in Pisa and make our way over to Florence via other means. This was by bus to be exact. See, the train has issues, it kinda works but you still have to … Continue Reading

The Hand Luggage Only way! 🙂  Recently, we got contacted about the potential of having a hassle-free day in London and like any true Londoner, I was initially sceptical. London is kinda synonymous with hassle. Yes, there are humongous upsides to being in London but I think it’s safe to say the average Londoner is … Continue Reading

All the photos from my recent trip to Florence… I will try to keep this within the remits of a photo diary and so I won’t rehash the sights, sounds and tastes of Florence (already did that in this post)! There are quite a few photos here so I’ve split it into two posts otherwise it would take forever … Continue Reading

Every traveller wants to find their next go to destination… somewhere that captures their imagination, a place that thrives in culture, natural diversity and of-course looks beautifully picturesque! Yaya and I have been on a little mission this week… we are trying to think of where our next holiday will be, so as any blogger … Continue Reading

Following on from my post on “10 Reasons You Don’t Need To Quit Your Job To Travel The World!” I figured I should detail practical tips and tricks to help you hold your job and travel the world. A fundamental principle to a happy lifestyle is balance and so it’s important that you find the … Continue Reading