One of my favourite things about travel is the opportunity to see new things! Sure, there’s the whole hassle of planing the actual logistics of the trip (which contrary to how that sounds, I actually enjoy) and not to mention the dent that travel can make to your wallet but once these barriers are crossed … Continue Reading

Arriving in the Dordogne Valley, I had no idea what to expect. We’d flown in from London after almost two months of travelling, and this time, I’d left most of the planning to Lloyd. I was knackered upon arrival in Brive and slept all the way from the airport until we reached our very first … Continue Reading

Italy is one of the most beautiful countries to visit in Europe, nay, the world! My love for this country goes almost as deep as my love of chocolate-flavoured-anything, which I feel no remorse about and no reason to apologise for! Some favourite, off the top of my head, is the stunning Tuscan towns, the gorgeous … Continue Reading

After lunch in Chateau de Lissac, our next stop was a chocolatier – where I finally found our how they made those hollow chocolates (you know like the Easter egg ones or the chocolate bunnies) before heading to our home for the night in a little town called Terrasson. Best part of the evening? Plans … Continue Reading

Following, our (rather lazy) first evening in Madrid, we decided that we would do our very best to make up for it the next day by cramming in as many of the best things to do in Madrid as we possibly could.  Thankfully, as it turns out, Madrid is quite a walkable city which is … Continue Reading

Swiftly following on from the 30 things you need to know before visiting Italy and a little inspired by this table cloth (via our snapchat @HandLuggageOnly – see tweet below), I figured it made sense to accompany that little guide with a food section. A food guide to Italy! (Probably a tacky souvenir to have but actually … Continue Reading

London is one of those cities that is constantly changing with new and exciting things sprouting up almost every day! This is all well and good but it sure can make a visit to our capital city pretty hectic, especially if you’re trying to plan, book and see all the things you want in a … Continue Reading

By this point you already know how much and why we wanted to visit the Faroe Island so I’m just gonna skip that part and take you right through to our arrival in the islands. By the way, if you’re a fan of Iceland, you’ll no doubt be a huge fan of the Faroe Islands. … Continue Reading

Finding out how to get to and climb Sigiriya in Sri Lanka can be a feat in itself, and this is why I wanted to share some practical tips to help you along your way. First off, it’s one of the things you have to see when you visit Sri Lanka, both for the history … Continue Reading

As you might remember, we were rather late leaving the cliff side lake of Sørvágsvatn and pretty much had to hot-foot it across the islands to Vestmanna where we had an island tour via boat. We made it barely on time (like with 3 minutes to go) although, the guy on the phone we’d spoken to, … Continue Reading

South Africa is a pretty amazing country to explore, especially if you’re a fan of action-packed adventure, delicious food and literally hundreds of elephants… I’ve gotta say, I was in my element! After our last trip to South Africa, where we visited  Kruger National park, catching up with the ‘big 5’, we knew we wanted to return! If Kruger … Continue Reading

To get into the Dordogne Valley, you will most likely arrive at Brive or Bergerac airport (unless of course, if you drive in) and while there’s not an awful lot to do in Brive, it’s still worth a little visit, even if just for a few hours. To start, head over to the market for … Continue Reading

And this isn’t some sensationalist title I’m making up, either. The red village of Collonges La Rouge has already been awarded the title of one of the most beautiful villages in France. It is regarded by many as ‘the prettiest’ and is looking to officially cement that with recognition from the French authorities. The title … Continue Reading

To be fair, our trip to Slovenia was laden with agenda and that was to discover the country’s wine! Europe as a whole produces a lot of really great wine (even in the UK though beers, ales and spirits are more our thing) and a lot of popular countries like Italy, Spain and France get … Continue Reading