I’m not a huge fan of botanical gardens. It’s not that they’re not nice/pretty/colourful/fragrant enough or anything of the sort. I just don’t know that much about flowers. Sure, I know how to identify the usual suspects – roses, orchids, lilies and the like but beyond that, I’m absolutely clueless. Like if you asked me … Continue Reading

Our road trip across the USA was one of the most exhilarating yet diverse set of travel experiences I’ve had! It helps that each state has it’s own unique character and selling point but spending weeks on the road added a variability to the mix that you would struggle to get any other way. For … Continue Reading

And no, that is not a typo. A few days ago, we got to try out a rather different gift-giving service called Tinggly. The idea behind Tinggly is that you can buy a gift for loved ones without really having to decide what the gift is. This makes it particularly handy when it comes to … Continue Reading

Whilst visiting Hong Kong, we were trying to decide what to do (after a couple of days exploring the sights) and one of the things that came up was visiting the nearby country of Macau! Now while I can’t remember what the other option was, visiting Macau won clearly by a long mile so we … Continue Reading

Well, if you haven’t, you’re in for a treat! And no, this isn’t some backhanded compliment to myself or the photos I’ve taken – I can very freely say that you’re in for a treat because of the sheer beauty and charm of St Andrews. St Andrews is genuinely one of the nicest towns I’ve … Continue Reading

This is one we’d been looking forward to long before catching the flight from London to Miami. The day started off with a rather nice jaunt around the Florida Keys swiftly followed by what was the longest drive we had on our road trip – an almost 9 hours drive all the way to Orlando. … Continue Reading

The best part about Iceland is that all these epic natural wonders are all free to explore. You see, as long as you can get to where they are (by car, bus or whatever mode of transportation you have), you can pop in to see them without paying a penny. First up, our day started … Continue Reading

One of the many joys of a trip to Iceland is learning to (or at least trying to) pronounce Icelandic names and perhaps, one of the more fun ones to try to pronounce is the Eyjafjallajökull volcano… …but more on that later. The first time I saw the Northern Lights was by no means unplanned. The … Continue Reading

This post is a mish-mash of different things I want to tell you about! Rather than go through an initial pre-amble (like I love doing), let’s jump right into it shall we? First up, I wanted to update the list of our travel plans so far with some more destinations we plan on visiting. Within … Continue Reading

Hey!!! We’ve just arrived in the airport in Reykjavik and I just had to write this post rather quickly. (The next challenge will be to actually find WiFi so I can post this!) This is a rather quick update to let you know we’ve just arrived in Iceland and as you can imagine -it’s… er… … Continue Reading

By now you already know we’ve spent the last week in Iceland, and boy was it a fun and rather action-packed week. Now, this is the first part of a two-part post. It’s split into two parts as there are way too many photos to fit into one post.  The second post is available immediately over … Continue Reading

This is the 2nd part of this post if you missed part 1; catch it here. Okay, so where were we? Right, we were still at the Laugarvatn Fontana, where I’d made the decision to cool off by jumping into the freezing river. It’s a very shallow river by the way but that notwithstanding, it … Continue Reading

We arrived in Iceland to find that there was a storm warning (which we chose to ignore) but the next day, we woke up to find a couple of distressing emails. Activities we had booked for the weekend had all been cancelled due to the storm! Turns out, the storm was going to be one … Continue Reading

It’s at the opposite end of the island from the capital, it’s not really got a lot of shops and houses and you’d be hard-pressed to find hordes of tourists milling around here but Akrotiri in Santorini is one of the places you should definitely visit in Santorini and here’s why! 1.) The Ancient Grecian … Continue Reading