I slept very well on Saturday night in lovely Bristol. Between the amazing meal from the night before and the brilliant hotel, I pretty much conked out as soon as I hit the hotel room. There’s just something fantastic about getting a good night’s sleep that’s irreplaceable. Sunday morning had arrived and that meant returning … Continue Reading

Fjord Safari Flam is one of the best things to do when visiting this region. And it really was a highlight of our trip to Flam! Norway’s fjords are famous the world over and after a trip up the mountains to see the Sognefjord from the top, we had a trip from the bottom, on the … Continue Reading

Singapore has a poor reputation when it comes to beaches. For all the flash and pomp the city-state has, with its towering steel and glass towers, beautiful people and amazing food (to mention but a few), it is notorious for having no ‘really nice’ beaches. There’s perhaps one beach of note in the Sentosa resort … Continue Reading

Our trip to the Isles of Scilly was one that has been long-awaited! Earlier this year, I said to Lloyd how much I wanted to see more of the UK and Ireland. Case in point – living in Edinburgh a while back, I had taken it for granted and it was only after a long stint … Continue Reading

The very next morning, we got up bright and early and set off on a trip to the island of Bryher (which, by the way, is right next to Tresco island). Okay, I’m being liberal with the truth here – I did not get up ‘bright and early’. I’m not a fan of waiting around … Continue Reading

Seeing as we’d both skipped breakfast earlier in the day, due to a ridiculous lack of planning on both our parts, lunch time at the Fraggle Rock bar was most certainly a much anticipated affair! It took me all of two seconds to decide what to have – fish and chips all round and a … Continue Reading

New Orleans is one of those incredible cities that you don’t forget easily. Its buzzing energy and (without sounding too corny) its soul seem to stay with you long after you leave. I stayed a few short days in New Orleans, before heading west too, “Houston, Texas… baby!” (Sorry, I couldn’t resist a Beyonce song … Continue Reading

There’s definitely something about in the air when you’re by the seaside that leaves you absolutely knackered by the end of the day. It may also be in part due to the fact that everything is so picturesque (and the weather is so amazing) that you end up spending every minute exploring the length and … Continue Reading

Before I even get started, I’d just like to say – Croatia is one of the most beautiful countries we’ve had the pleasure of visiting this year. Morning drives (which usually means a quick nap for me – I’m a sucker for naps when someone else is driving) were so different here as your eyes … Continue Reading

One the final morning of my week-long trip to Croatia, I awoke to the most amazing view ever from my hotel room balcony at Villa Dvor. I’d arrived late the night before, slightly sozzled with that good Croatia wine from dinner and so hadn’t really paid attention to my surroundings before promptly falling asleep! The … Continue Reading

After a rather cloudy but ridiculously beautiful day in Tresco, the sun upped its game the next day and we headed off to go explore another island we’d wanted to for a while – St Agnes! This meant sailing past an old favourite – Bryher… …with Lloyd pretending (to himself mostly) that he was the … Continue Reading

Remember how I said on St Agnes Island, there’s a second island attached to it via a beach (which is actually officially called a ‘Tombolo’). Well, that island is called Gugh and so after lunch at the Turk’s head, we made our way straight for Gugh… but instead got distracted by the beach and decided to … Continue Reading

The return from Gugh and St Agnes, led straight to the garden for an afternoon nap (all that fresh air will do that to you), followed by dinner at the Ruin Beach cafe. Ruin Beach cafe is exactly as it sounds, a restaurant set amidst the ruins on the beach. It has one the nicest views … Continue Reading

Afternoon naps are an amazing thing aren’t they? They leave you so refreshed and all geared up to explore the world! (Even when they last for just an hour). Spurred by this new found energy, we left the Isles of Scilly Country Guesthouse (which at this point was basking in the island sunshine and ventured out … Continue Reading