The very next morning, we got up bright and early and set off on a trip to the island of Bryher (which, by the way, is right next to Tresco island).
Okay, I’m being liberal with the truth here – I did not get up ‘bright and early’. I’m not a fan of waiting around so I got up early enough to catch the boat over with just a couple of minutes to spare but in my book, that’s early enough.
And to be fair, sleeping without the sound of traffic and sirens or some sneaky light peeking into your room (despite the blinds being shut) – all of which I’ve grown accustomed to in London, was quite a different experience and different in a very good way! I slept so soundly and refused to get ready until I absolutely had to.
In my eagerness to go out exploring however, I didn’t pay any attention to the weather. It was only when the boat left the harbour at Tresco (with me sitting outside with a huge grin on my face) that I started to notice the dark clouds. This was my first experience in understanding two things on the Isles of Scilly. a.) Even when it rains, it’s still quite warm and b.) The rain doesn’t last quite as long (this was my experience though I’m aware it might be partly due to the time of the year we were there). In any case, we made the quick crossing over to Bryher with the clouds brewing behind.
The crossing by the way takes barely no time whatsoever. Like 5-10 minutes. The boat that took us over was the Firethorn Boat but do check the schedule as it changes from day to day.
Notice that dog in the water? It’s one of the friendliest dogs I’ve ever met and it just seemed to follow us everywhere on the island! You’ll see what I mean soon enough…
We had an appointment to go Kayaking at Bennetts Boatyard so we hot-footed it there once we were sure we weren’t gonna get rained on. To be fair, it got really sunny really quick within minutes of arriving on the island.
One thing you’ll notice in the Isles of Scilly by the way are these honesty boxes. Basically, people make things to sell (or indeed grow things) and can you buy them from the stalls or holes in the wall (literally speaking) and pay for them using the boxes next to the items with no interaction whatsoever from the seller. You’re trusted to pay for whatever you take with no one chasing you up for it and coming from London, this was quite a surprise. It’s such a throwback to a time when communities were closely knit and everyone knew (and trusted) their neighbours which can sometimes be so hard to find, not just in London by the way! I still found the concept so charming and a statement on what life on all the islands must be like and I may have gotten carried away with photographing every honesty box I came across on all the islands in the Isles of Scilly from that point henceforth.
Also, Veronica farms does really great fudge so definitely try some when you visit. (If you’re lucky enough to be around when they’re making it, the smell alone with ensure you leave with a ferry full of fudge – it’s so delicious and all home-made).
Random aside – I heard this random sound which was kinda like a dog barking except with a strange consistency that made me wonder out loud if was some small robotic dog. This was till I looked up and saw a goose flying overhead. I know how silly this sounds but I’ve never seen a goose actually fly. (Told you it sounded sill). I’ve seen them in water and to see one fly (especially so loudly) really stuck with me as one of my memories of Bryher. Sometimes, it’s the (silly) little things isn’t it?
Kayaking, by the way, was amazing!!! We coulda gotten a shared one but Lloyd wanted to go off exploring the smaller and deserted Samson Island while I just wanted to play around in the harbour area and so we did just that. This was actually my first time kayaking now that I think about it and it was such a great first time experience! (I was expecting to fall off my kayak at some point so understandable I didn’t take my camera in with me. I didn’t fall off at all. Okay, I did once but I was already pretty much on the shore so it doesn’t count, right? 😉 )
Kayaking however is hungry work and so after a couple of hours of doing this, the fierce rumbling of hunger started and I new there was one place I really wanted to try out for lunch – Fraggle Rock café. Fraggle Rock is a really old kids programme by the maker of the Muppets, Jim Henson and even though I have no idea what link the café has to the programme, I just knew I wanted to visit it.
Walking to Fraggle rock from the boat centre takes you right across the island, with it beautiful green and blue hues!
Oh, and I found the geese too!
We made a pit stop at Bryher gallery for a souvenir. Ended up getting two and an introduction to the art heritage of the island! Turns out Bryher is quite an artistic community and this is no more evident than in the gallery. And it’s not the kind of art that stands out as mass-produced for tourists (trust me, I’ve bought my own fair share of those enough to know the difference). It’s actual art that stands out to you in one way or the other and makes you wanna take a little keepsake back home.
Rumbling tummies at the go again, we continued our search for Fraggle Rock cafe…
Random fact about me – I really really really like chicken. I used to have almost 50 at one point as pets (I’d had them all since they were chicks at different points) and had to give them away to friends once I started travelling too much to look after them. Plus I doubt I could fit them all into any flat in London. 😉
Heralding your arrival at Fraggle Rock Café is this abandoned phone-box turned flowerpot. I’m not how it came about but I love the fact that it was still there and hadn’t been thrown in the trash.
At about this point even though I didn’t realise it yet, Bryher was very quickly cementing it’s place as one of my favourites of the islands on the Isles of Scilly. Each island has it’s own unique character which I absolutely love and you’ll find yourself drawn to at least due to it’s character and the sights it has on offer. 🙂 But more on favourites later on…
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