After our big lunch down by the seaside, I was in no shape for any exercise whatsoever and so off we went on a more of a laidback jaunt around Menorca – this time on a boat, leaving from the port of Mahon (the capital city of Menorca). Now I realise, reading this title back … Continue Reading

Mahon is the capital city of Menorca and it’s one of its prettiest! (Albeit, perhaps even more so in the sunshine). We visited late in the evening when the skies had turned a bit grey (thankfully, we had sunshine in the afternoon for our boat ride) but the greys didn’t take away from the city’s … Continue Reading

I’ve never sailed a boat before. I’ve been on a boat sailed by someone else, I’ve even gotten very very tipsy on many a boat but never gotten round to sailing it. When we got up on this very morning in Menorca, rain clouds standing guard and ready to pour open at any minute, it … Continue Reading

Arriving into Peru, we were the tired-est I’ve ever been on our travels! First off we started in Amsterdam, then carried on to London (transiting for a few hours in London), followed by a 12 hour flight to Lima (Peru) followed by an 8 hour overnight transit at the airport overnight, of which we planned to … Continue Reading

Suffice to say, after the very long night’s sleep we had in Cusco, getting up at 5.30 am to catch our train to Machu Picchu was pretty easy! We excitedly chucked our stuff into the suitcases (which we actually left at the hotel because; a.) We would be coming back to the hotel in a … Continue Reading

Arriving at Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel was akin to arriving at an oasis in the desert! For starters, the altitude in Aguas Calientes is a lot lower than Cusco so even at high altitude, it was just that extra bit easier to walk around (and even sprint) without running out of breath! Then there’s … Continue Reading

When we went rowing around Menorca, I remember one of the guys saying something about a hidden club in the caves and the idea of that just seemed so ridiculous (and so “Alibaba and the 40 thieves”-esque) that I thought it was just some kind of urban legend/fable and dismissed it entirely. Turns out it wasn’t… … Continue Reading

On the morning we were due to go to Machu Picchu, we got up at 3am. There’s a whole long reason why we had to be up this early (a huge part of which had to do with needing to climb Huayna Pichhu – the mountain you can see in almost every photo of Machu … Continue Reading

I’m not even sure why we initially decided to hike up Huayna Picchu. I certainly knew nothing of the amazing view in-store at the top. I rarely ever go out of my way to climb mountains. Then there’s the fact that doing anything strenuous at high altitude becomes even more difficult as you find yourself … Continue Reading

The great thing about arriving at a destination early is the fact that you have almost the entire day ahead of you. The potential downside to that is that you might be far too early to check in and hence can’t change or get comfy once you arrive. Thankfully, despite our early arrival into Verona, … Continue Reading

The fact that we were going on a trip wasn’t a surprise at all. We’d had it booked and locked in with The real surprise was where we would be going on the trip. Now after a series of wintry trips, I was in the mood for some sunshine. I also wanted somewhere with … Continue Reading

After an amazing (and very relaxed) first day on our surprise trip to Verona (all booked through what I now call our personal travel concierge –, I woke up almost unbelievably well-rested and so eager to get out and explore Verona! We gobbled down breakfast at record speed and headed off to explore one … Continue Reading

Perfect for a stopover or a quick Swiss city break! Zurich is one of the most popular cities to visit in Switzerland (which is probably the most obvious thing I’ve ever said on here but it’s true). If you’re into anything even remotely Swiss (and trust me on this one, even if it’s just the … Continue Reading

After a quick 24 hours stop in Zurich, we caught the train to the Ascona, home to the Eden Roc Hotel – set right on the banks of Lake Maggiore. Lake Maggiore – along with Lake Como and Lake Garda is one of those amazing lakes you find in Italy. It’s also one of those … Continue Reading