Castle Combe is one of the most beautiful places you can visit in not near and around the Cotswolds, but in the British countryside, as a whole!
It’s such a charming little place and is one of those places most people who visit, pretty much fall in love with straight away!
It’s very close to Lacock so deciding to visit after spending the afternoon in Lacock was pretty much a no-brainer!
Castle Combe is a very laid back place to visit. Its one of those places you just take your time in, perhaps pop into the pub for lunch and enjoy a cheeky pint in the sunshine. As we were driving (and we just had lunch), we decided to go for a jaunt around the village. Thankfully the weather was still on our side.
There almost no one else around – a fact which I took for granted until my friend shared a photo with me showing how crowded it was when she visited which typically doesn’t bother me although there is something to be said for visiting a village like this and having it feel like a village.
It’s so strange-looking back at the photos now as it looks like it was a grey and cloudy day but it was quite the opposite. Fine there were cloud out and about but it was actually quite sunny and very warm indeed.
If you think you recognise Castle Combe but aren’t quite sure where from, its easy to understand why as this village has been used for filming of quite a few British films and TV shows – most recognisable of which is probably Downton Abbey. Boy do I miss that show – I avoided watching it for years as I thought it would be rubbish and all it took was Netflix and an evening of binge watching to get me hooked! Anyway, I digress…

After a quick stop in the church, we said goodbye to Castle Combe, which now that I think of it, has no actual Castle next to it… (*update: I just Googled it and there was a Castle here ages ago but it’s been destroyed over time).
Next stop – Bibury!
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