Rome is beautiful, busy, sometimes manically so and one Italian city I just knew I had to spend ‘proper time’ in. Like none of that racing from sight to sight and instead more time for Aperol spritz and gelato!
I wanted to enjoy Rome at my own pace, eat as much delicious food as possible, relax, and have a good old-fashioned holiday – while attempting to take in as much of the sights as possible*.

(*We were only going to be here for 4 days so I’d already accepted that I would get to see all of the sights but I would do my best to see the most important one).
Arriving into Rome, I pretty much chucked my luggage into the hotel room, changed out of my travelling clothes and put on more Rome-appropriate clothes (i.e. T-shirt and shorts – it was a really warm day).
The plan today was to be as lazy as possible before throwing ourselves fully into all that Rome had to offer over the upcoming days.

By the time we ventured out of the hotel, the sun had dipped a little – which was fortunate as Rome was so much hotter than I’d experienced or imagined.
With no real plans, we wandered through it’s beautiful streets, making a note of which gelato shops to return to after dinner.

Our jolly directionless gallivant eventually led to the magnificent Trevi Fountain, one of the most iconic spots in the city.
Alas, thanks to the crowds here (I know the photos don’t look like that but trust me, it was jam-packed), this isn’t really a place you’d want to hang around in for too long.
Truth be told, crowds don’t really bother me – crowds just mean there’s no place to chill and relax as any sitting or even standing ground is pretty much occupied. Plus crowds are perfect spots for pickpockets in Rome so you don’t wanna stick around unnecessarily.

We carried on through the city, picking a restaurant a reasonable distance from the fountains to stop for dinner – though not entirely by design. I think I just walked past, saw someone’s pasta dish and decided this would be where I would have dinner.

We both started with pasta for our first dish…
…moving on to a pizza for Lloyd and lamb for myself (not even sure what I had that lamb with… surely, I didn’t just have lamb on it’s own? 🤔 )

Seeing as no one was driving, wine seemed almost obligatory with the meal. 😀
Done with dinner, we made our way back towards the hotel, past the Trevi fountain which by now was lit up and somehow looked even more spectacular with the spotlight on it.

Dessert ended up being 3 scoops of gelato from a place not too far from the hotel (the 3rd one’s kinda inside the cone in that photo). We maaaaaaay have returned to this place many times over the next few days.

After a night cap on the rooftop back at the hotel, I decided to turn in early, eager to see as much of Rome as possible the next day! (Also, we had tickets to go to the Vatican and so a late morning wake-up wasn’t really much of an option. 🙂 ).
Catch you in the next post! 😃
*Oh, if you want a sneak of what we got up to in Rome – check out this post here!
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