Our drive from Tsitsikamma to Port Elizabeth was exactly as anticipated – nothing but stunning country vistas pretty much the entire way! Seeing as we arrived at night– this was all the stuff we missed out on the drive over and we were definitely pleased to at least get to see it properly during the … Continue Reading

South Africa is a pretty amazing country to explore, especially if you’re a fan of action-packed adventure, delicious food and literally hundreds of elephants… I’ve gotta say, I was in my element! After our last trip to South Africa, where we visited  Kruger National park, catching up with the ‘big 5’, we knew we wanted to return! If Kruger … Continue Reading

After the day in the vineyard and checking out Plettenberg bay, I figured it was high time to head back to Tsitsikamma in search of food. We’d been so so eager to cram as many sights as possible into the day that, save for a mid-afternoon gorge on beef biltong, we’d pretty much forgotten all about food! Back … Continue Reading

After a brilliant afternoon sandboarding (and for the very first time too), we decided to make a quick change to our initial plans and head over to Addo Elephant Park… with good reason, I might add – it’s like 5 minute away from where we were sandboarding (which is 30 minutes from the centre of Port … Continue Reading

If you’re into Planet Earth (like we VERY MUCH are), then no doubt going on safari will be right up there at the top of your travel list. We’d wanted to do this for so long and eventually, on a Friday evening with wine and friends, while actually planning a vacation to Peru, we took … Continue Reading

Before we arrived in Cape Town, I’d never heard of Hermanus. After we checked into our hotel, someone mentioned a placed called Hermanus (in a conversation I may or may not have been eavesdropping on while sipping on my bubbly by the pool) and from that point onwards, everyone seemed to talk about this amazing place … Continue Reading

First things first – what are the big 5? The big 5 are – African Elephants, Black/White Rhinoceros, Lions, Leopards and Buffalos. I’ve always been fascinated by animals and so the idea that there are just 5 key animals to focus on when you’re on safari is something that I’ve always found to be a … Continue Reading

I wanted to write this post almost immediately after we returned from the restaurant! If it weren’t for my food haze and subsequent indulgence in some South African red wine, I would have been singing the praise of this place almost as soon as we got back to the Singa Lodge. How did we find … Continue Reading

On our recent trip to South Africa, I took over 3600 photos. And this was me being ‘prudent’ and trying not to take too many photos. The resultant effect of this of course means that as eager as I have been to share with you what we got up to, I’ve barely been able to … Continue Reading

Boulders Beach is one of the loveliest places to experience when visiting South Africa, not just because of the cutest little penguins but the amazing work that the South African Government is doing to help the colony of penguins… Aaawww, who am I kidding? It’s mostly because of how cute they are! 🙂 We visited Boulder Beach … Continue Reading

Another day, another safari. You would think the planned nature of the safari drives would mean that the whole experiences lend itself to a certain amount of predictability but au contraire. The very nature of the subjects in question – wild animals, means that no one safari day is ever the same as another. There’s … Continue Reading

  We have a real deep love of all things South Africa and an even deeper love of all things food. So what better way to pair our two loves together than by finding some of those secret eating spots to discover while in Cape Town. You may remember that we visited Cape Town and … Continue Reading

…cos let’s face it! You kinda go on safari to see the Lions amirite? Our final day on safari before heading off to Cape Town started a lot greyer than all the other days. Still, it’s gotta be said, grey in South Africa – especially on safari beats grey in London anytime so there were … Continue Reading

Table Mountain has always been a big one for me! It was one of the very first things I saw in Cape Town (I have any blurry plane photos to prove that) and it had me bouncing like a kid in a candy shop the first time I saw it in the distance on the drive … Continue Reading