Situated on the southern most tip of the African continent, Cape Town and the surrounding area is one place I will never forget. As soon as we touched down, I knew this would be an exciting adventure. After spending an unforgettable week in Kruger National Park where we saw lions, rhino, cheetah, elephant and much more, we hoped … Continue Reading

On a cool winter morning, Stanley (our safari tracker) witnessed one of the most harrowing scenes in his career at Kruger National Park, South Africa. He encountered an elephant, shot and immobilised by bullets to the head, legs and neck – he was not dead and still faintly breathing. As Stanley continued to account this … Continue Reading

Africa is huge, like seriously, it’s a vast continent that’s so varied and filled with a melting pot of cultures, identities, beautiful nature and history. It’s a content that has so much diversity that is sometimes forgotten when we hear ‘Africa’ mentioned as a place to go to. It really is hard to bottle down … Continue Reading

Yup, I’m hankering on about Italy again! Honestly, I just can’t help it, it’s one of my favourite countries in the world to visit. Now, if you’re anything like me, you’ll love how diverse Italy is. In lots of ways, the North feels so different from the south, which can actually feel like a totally … Continue Reading

One of the best ways to see animals and nature in the wild is on a safari. No zoos, no interaction and most certainly lots of space for us travellers to see some of the word’s most impressive animals in the wild. This is exactly why I wanted to share some of the best places … Continue Reading

Colour tends to speak for itself. There’s never a real need to explain the appeal of a colourful travel destination. Photos of the colourful city/town/village in question is enough to beguile travellers the world over! I’ve always been a fan of colours. At home, on my travels… even in my food and looking back at my … Continue Reading

This is a quick one! The afternoon actually started off in Muizenberg… …swiftly followed by a visit to Boulder’s Beach to see the penguins. And although a visit to the Cape Peninsula was ultimately where we were headed to, a little stopover in Simon’s Town is definitely worth it on your drive outside of Cape Town. … Continue Reading

You didn’t think we’d head off into the New Year without a round up of 2015 now, did you? 😉 This year on Hand Luggage Only has been quite special in so many ways – we’ve gotten to travel to so many amazing destinations, made so many new friends, eaten so many delicious meals, had so … Continue Reading

Cape Town was one of the biggest travel surprises for me. It’s a place I only added to our travel itinerary because the three of us (Lloyd, Georgia and I) we wanted to do and see something in South Africa, in addition to going on safari (which was the main reason why we were in South … Continue Reading

Photography is an art-form that we all can relate with. After all, we’re all snapping on our phones, cameras and any other gadget that has a lens. This is exactly why I wanted to share some of the best places to travel for epic photos. You see, when people say a photograph is a worth … Continue Reading

When we booked our flights to South Africa, I took it for granted that organising the details of our safari would be the least of my worries. Having travelled quite a bit, booking hotels seemed like second-nature, the hardest part really was finding a place that you like (which is easy enough in itself), the … Continue Reading

Resting just above South Africa, Namibia is one epic country to visit in Africa. Of course, Africa is a diverse and incredibly beautiful continent; with places like Morocco, South Africa, Kenya and, of course, Namibia being proper-beautiful countries to visit. There is literally so many of the best places in Namibia dotted all over the … Continue Reading

I’ve done so many blog posts on this but I’ve finally gotten round to editing the video from our trip! 🙂 When we were in Italy I ended up going way overboard with the videos and photos I was taking and it was only when I got home and had to sift through hours of … Continue Reading

After discovering Cape Town recently (where we saw an overload of cute penguins in Boulders Bay, enjoyed the breathtaking coastline of Cape Peninsula and ate our weight in some of Cape Town’s best restaurants), we knew it was only a matter of time before we would have to plot our return to one of the most exciting countries … Continue Reading