Arriving at the very first stop on our Italian road trip ended up being much later than we’d anticipated. Between the stops everywhere for photos and general tomfoolery, we ended up arriving around 9.30 pm. At this point, all I could think was “I hope Italian restaurants are open till quite late” (I kinda thought … Continue Reading

Colour tends to speak for itself. There’s never a real need to explain the appeal of a colourful travel destination. Photos of the colourful city/town/village in question is enough to beguile travellers the world over! I’ve always been a fan of colours. At home, on my travels… even in my food and looking back at my … Continue Reading

The hard part’s done; you’ve decided you want to go to Italy and you’ve decided that you’d like to see this by road. Okay, perhaps that’s not the hard part but still, making those decisions is a pretty great start. Now, let us take things from there for you and share our 1-week road trip itinerary … Continue Reading

Swiftly following on from the 30 things you need to know before visiting Italy and a little inspired by this table cloth (via our snapchat @HandLuggageOnly – see tweet below), I figured it made sense to accompany that little guide with a food section. A food guide to Italy! (Probably a tacky souvenir to have but actually … Continue Reading