I’m always scared of hard hikes. Actually, maybe scared isn’t the right word to use. My unease stems from a sense of performance anxiety so I guess what I really am is nervous when it comes to hard hikes. I know I can do them but I also know I have to do it at … Continue Reading

Body still aching from our hike up the volcano the day before, I was only too happy to be hopping aboard the St Kitts Scenic Railway – the only working train line in all of the Caribbean and one that involved a whole lot of rum and stunning island views. The train carriages have two … Continue Reading

After spending several nights in Basseterre, the capital city of St Kitts, it finally dawned on me that we’d actually never properly seen the city. We’d been pretty much zipping through the island from one fun activity to the next but hadn’t had any real time in the city. To correct that, we set off … Continue Reading

The next day in St Kitts, I woke up with a surprising pain in my foot! Turns out, I hurt myself really badly on the beach the evening before from jumping around and chasing the little sandpipers on the beach. It was the stupidest thing really – I just loved watching them all march away … Continue Reading

On our final day in St Kitts, we woke up to what was something of a surprise – clouds in the sky! It’d been sunny all week that the idea of rain here almost seemed impossible. 😀 (which is silly of course because rain is why the island is so lush and green). Don’t let … Continue Reading

Nestled on the Atlantic Coast of Puerto Rico, San Juan is typically the first port-of-call when you arrive on the island. Being the largest city,  it’s got centuries of history, vibrant neighbourhoods and a heap of the best things to do in San Juan dotted all across the city.  These all make it a firm-favourite … Continue Reading