On a fairly random evening, my friends and I decided (now that I think about it) rather spontaneously to book a trip to Ibiza. In fact, I think we booked the trip first and then started to rationalise why we wanted to go away after. “Oh it’s so and so’s birthday so we could use … Continue Reading

See if you can spot Lloyd in one of these… (Photos taken in Samos, Greece)

Mont Saint Michel is a tiny little commune on an island in France and is one of the prettiest places to visit in France. It’s Abbey is famous the world over and it probably comes as no surprise that Mont Saint Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage site (similar to the utterly gorgeous, Saint Emilion). … Continue Reading

The past week (and a half) has been so stressful! I kinda forgot how tricky house hunting in London was and got a full reminder this past week. Thankfully, it’s all sorted now! I really want to show you around but I can’t just yet as I have nothing in the flat (the most valuable … Continue Reading

Got the round-up on fun things to do in London at bargain prices!!! Let’s get started! 1.) Evening Cruise on the River Thames for Two with glasses of Bubbly and Canapes (Price: £39). 2.) Afternoon tea for Two at the Ritz! (Arguably the most iconic place to have afternoon tea in London! Price: £105) 3.) … Continue Reading

On a rather cold Sunday afternoon, I went off in search for a little something…  Well three things actually and I figured the best place to find them was Borough Market. To be honest, I was just looking for an excuse to head to Borough Market. It is one of my favourite places to wander … Continue Reading

Norway is one of those countries whose beauty constantly surprises me. I know part of it is down to my expectations (it gets really cold and dark over winter, it’s very expensive…and so on and so forth) but I wasn’t expecting to find myself falling in love with it more and more each time I … Continue Reading

We’ve got a new video up on The YouTube channel! There’s no real point to the video. It’s Christmas and it’s London and so a video happened! 🙂  

House hunting in London is one of the most stressful things you can do in the UK. It is probably what whoever coined the term “Rat Race” had in mind when he/she did. It’s genuinely exhausting and unbelievably time-consuming but after moving homes quite a few times in London, I’ve become something of an old … Continue Reading

As you already know, I am a wildlife enthusiast. This has been the case since I was little and I don’t remember ever not being fascinated by nature documentaries and animals in general. At one point, I even wanted to become a vet doctor. It of course stands to reason that I hop at any … Continue Reading

And boy was it something of a revelation! When we visited Gipuzkoa in the Basque Country (in Spain), I had lots of different expectations – that the people would be friendly (this is a popular and rather well known fact), that the language would be dramatically different from Spanish, that the weather would be great… … Continue Reading

Excited wrapping Christmas presents and prepping for New Year’s Eve parties. I found these photos from New Year’s Eve fireworks in London and thought I’d best take a quick break from wrapping presents and drinking more mulled wine than is advisable to share these photos with you! Unsurprisingly, on this particularly cold evening, the fireworks … Continue Reading

After a couple of days in The Blue Lagoon in Iceland, we moved bases to Reykjavik (we had a car so moving around was quite easy) and so on this particular day, we set off to see as many Icelandic sights as possible! The day was filled with amazing waterfalls, scary yet impressive looking volcanos, … Continue Reading

A photo diary from our New Year’s Eve celebrations plus a sneak peak into my new flat! Been meaning to put these up a few days ago but didn’t quite get round to it till now. Better late than never I say! I also promise to do a more detailed post on the new flat! … Continue Reading