Our arrival in Berlin was very much defined by a ridiculous amount of sleepiness.
As it turns out, the adrenaline that keeps you awake till your taxi with your friends arrives at 3am and leaves you guys chatting all the way to the hotel in your destination, is a sneaky little thing!
It’ll abandon you the moment you decide to start exploring the city (especially as you’ve arrived too early to check into your room and have a proper nap).
…so we did, the next best thing and armed ourselves with coffees (and a cheeky mojito or two) and headed out to see Berlin.
The weather, by the way, was all kinds of strange. Sunny and grey and all kinds of confusing for our tired minds to process.
Before long though, the caffeine kicked in and we were all as right as rain!
Our first stop was the Berlin wall. I have to admit, it’s so weird seeing the wall in person. Your mind does wander a bit when you’re here and you start to think what it must have felt like for those people who were separated by the wall. It sounds absolutely awful and especially so when you’re standing at that intersection between East and West Berlin.
The wall carries on for quite a bit, as you can imagine and although most of it doesn’t exist anymore, reminders and dotted all across where it used to be.
Berlin is such an eclectic city. The harshest dull buildings, right next to lovely flower shops and corporate offices with art studios as neighbours. The sheer diversity on offer here is mind boggling.
Before long though, our rumbling tummies turned out mind to food. 🙂
My cousin is gonna smack me for putting this photo below up. 🙂 I always told her “You shouldn’t pull faces otherwise your face will get stuck like that” now, it is… in this photo anyway! 🙂
I had to have the warm cider with red wine. Sounds odd but it’s absolutely delicious. Tastes just like gluhwein!
Everyone wanted a taste of it!
The restaurant was Turkish and to our delight, skewers of meats, breads, humus and lots more deliciousness kept flying out of the kitchen and onto our tables where they promptly disappeared into thin air.
We decided to walk off our lunch… that is, until I found an ice cream sandwich shop! Delicious home made ice cream wedged between equally tasty home made cookie. Who could say no to that?
With that, we all decided to finally give into our sleepiness (the post-lunch sugar high got us all) and head back to the hotel for a disco nap before our long night ahead (which by the way, was sooooooo much fun – more on that later).
As we walked back, it actually started to rain quite heavily so the call for that nap turned out to be perfectly timed! 🙂
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