The Cotswolds is the epitome of quaint British beauty!
The rolling hills and meadows always make for a welcome distraction from the manic-ness that is London and this is even more so when you get to celebrate your the union of your friends (this is my roundabout way of saying I went to the Cotswolds for my friends’ wedding).
First things first (I’m the realest! Drop this and let the whole world feel it)… darn it! I am the king of distractions and now that song is going to be stuck in my head all day! Thanks Iggy Azalea First things first – we checked into this charming cottage which would be our abode and wedding party HQ for the next few days! This place was love at first sight (on the internet) and it was nice to know the pictures matched up to expectation in real life!
The couple are Russian and Welsh and so all guests got the special token of the Matryoshka doll intertwined with a Welsh love spoon! #SoSweet #LoveIt
Next up, the wedding clothes. There was no strict dress code so we were free to wear what we liked. I’d been looking for a tweed jacket for ages in London and most of the ones I found were over priced (to say the least), I happened upon this amazing jacket entirely by accident in a vintage shop just off Brick Lane (the Shoreditch end of it). It fit perfectly and I snapped it up instantly. This jacket and I have been very happy together ever since.
Next up, wedding time! The venue was so beautiful and intimate! It was sheer perfection – and then I laid eyes on this cake! Those bars surrounding it are white chocolate and the fruits are fresh! I knew there and then that this cake and I would be having a late night rendezvous later on… (I spent a good part of the evening whispering sweet nothings to the cake while devouring huge chunks of it in one mouthful!)
Also spent a good part of the evening making friends with some friendly bear (to be fair, I think we started off the conversation because he was offering free apples and I’m not one to say no to a good freebie!). And for those that are potentially horrified by the bear, don’t worry we don’t actually have bears in the UK so I was assured that these ones were fake.
Eventually, cameras were ditched – but not before this photo of myself looking (in my mind anyway) like a latin-lothario… Ah, imagination is such a strong tool.
Quite a lot of dancing was done (including a rather shamelessly indulgent set of Gangnam style) before we finally tumbled off into a taxi headed for our cosy cottage in the village.
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