You’ve probably noticed how different the website is looking now! Yup – it’s been relaunched and this time I promise to post regularly with lots of photos, travel stories, travel tips and advice and savvy ways to save money on your travels! There are a few new things you’ve probably notice now too… I’ll give you a few seconds to explore a bit more and then come back here and I’ll list them down.

Right! Now that you’ve had a look – you’ve probably noticed that the home page has 4 sections
Section 1 – “Where do you want to go today?” section. That section was initially meant to be a section with cheap flight deals but I found a great tool that plans your journey almost quite literally from door to door! Train, Boat, Flights, Car – anything! It’s amazing and it comes with a map which breaks down your travel too! I’ve personally found it amazing and I have no doubt you will too. 🙂
Section 2: “Hotels“. Well, we couldn’t have flights without hotels now, could we?
Section 3: “Blog“. This is a straight forward link to the blog, just in case you need a short cut to get to the good stuff! 🙂 (Fingers crossed on the ‘good stuff’, I’ll do my best to bring you all the travel news and details you want and need)
Section 4: “Travel Map“. I’ve basically been trying out a new Travel Map feature on Hand Luggage Only to allow you visualise places I’ve been to Google maps. The pinpoints show the places I’ve been to and when you click on the pinpoints a summary of the blog post and a link to the post pops up so you can immerse yourself in whatever it is I got up to in that location. As you can imagine, I will be adding more and more of those pins soon!
Finally, I’ve created three new sections to the blog. One of which is the Travel section which you already know of by now. The other two are the Food section and the Home section. Why food? Because I love food – that’s why! I think it’s one of my favourite things about travelling and I figured I might as well share my passion with you all. Why home? Well because no matter wherever I go my home is still one of my favourite places in the world. I take great pride and pleasure in it and over the years, I’ve found so many bits of home inspirations that I’ve been gagging to share with you all.
So I think that about covers it! 🙂 Don’t forget to follow on Bloglovin to stay up to date with the latest posts! Additionally – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram will also be updated constantly! 🙂
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